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Jishnu Ps
Fabrication & Welding | Kottayam, Kerala
jPS engineering work.... contact no 7902488291 #KeralaStyleHouse #keralatraditionalmural #kerala_architecture #keralahusesell #kottayamhomes #kottayamplywoods
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JPS engineering work kottayam.... tile roofing work contact no 7902488291
kottayam glass work. നിങ്ങളുടെ ഇഷ്ട്ടനുസരണം വർക്ക് ചെയ്തുകൊടും call me 7902488291
#ongoing-project #lowbudgethousekerala
jPS metal engineering work... എല്ലാ metal workukalkum contacts number 7902488291
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Labour + Material
roofing please contact 8921317990
treditional roofing jali works... JPS engineering work at thiruvalla work ningalde വീടിന് ട്രെഡിഷണൽ ലുക്ക് ആണ് ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നതെങ്കിൽ ഞങ്ങളുടെ സേവനം നൽകുന്നതായിരിക്കും contract no 7902488291
Chamfered House Firm: HONEYCOMB architects @honeycomb__architects As an abode designed for a family of four, the Chamfered House is a contemporary fusion of geometry and grace. Taking into consideration the regional context, the design envisaged a poetic conversation between traditional vernacular architecture and modern design. The two-storey house sites on a tabletop platform in a tropical residential area. PC: @althafar
roofing sheet work (tata sheet used) punnathara site..............,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, മിതമായ റേറ്റിൽ 100% ഗുണനിലവാരത്തിൽ വർക്കുകൾ ചെയ്തുകൊടുക്കും JPs engineering work kottayam. ph7902488291
#plastering & painting ongoing @kakkanad #Withkeyhandovering
#KeralaStyleHouse #keralatraditionalmural #kerala_architecture #ContemporaryHouse #HouseConstruction #keralahomeplans #keralahomedesignz #ElevationHome #homedesigne #HouseDesigns #50LakhHouse
#aluminiyu m #MetalSheetRoofing .. sheet work
Fabrication & Welding
Jishnu Ps
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