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NiceHouse Construction
Contractor | Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
#civilcontractors #InteriorDesigner #MAINTANANCEWORKS #9207611797 call me good way will be done
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#civil work#Interior Designer#building design #civil maintenance work #good way will be done..
#9207611797 #civilconstruction #InteriorDesigner #MAINTANANCEWORKS #plan designing correct amount correct time cheyth tharugayanu
False cieling by aadflqmes
₹95 per sqft
Labour + Material
. All works will be done time to time
New work gypsum ceiling With lighting.
*INTERIOR* Quality and detailed view will be done. First priority for your choice. It will be done as per your requirement.
Labour Only
Design completed. sqft 60. താല്പര്യം ഉള്ളവർ വിളിക്കുക 80❤️758071❤️04
*plumbing one bath room * perfect works skilled workers. All works will be done time to time Our first priority is work
₹3,500 per bathroom
Labour Only
#InteriorDesigner #cellingdesign #pvc_celling #bedroom_celling #GridCeiling #cementboard #partitiondesign #wpccelling #voxceiling #hometheatredesign #GypsumCeiling
₹60 per sqft
Labour Only
#CivilEngineer #CivilContractor #civilconstruction #civilwork #InteriorDesigner #MasterBedroom #BedroomCeilingDesign #ElevationHome #ElevationDesign #LivingRoomInspiration
Labour + Material
#good quality LED strip and rops
Hanging Lights #CelingLights
NiceHouse Construction
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