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Emagic Automatic gate and Rolling Shutters | Manufacturing and service. Emagic Technologies LLP
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Check out different kinds of flooring for your home - Part 2. Tap ➡️ to view the next pages of flooring options for you to choose from. Which one is your favourite out of the lot? 😁 Let us know in the comments ⤵️ Learn tips, tricks and details on Home construction with Kolo Education 🤩 If our content helped you, do tell us how in the comments ⤵️ Follow us on Kolo Education to learn more!!! #education #construction #woodwork #interiors #interiordesign #home #furniture #design #flooring #expert #koloeducation #categoryop
Terrace/Roof Heat Reflective Waterproofing | UniPro® Waterproofing Is your room feeling like an oven even in the evening? Your roof slab could be the culprit! Sun-exposed roof slabs absorb a lot of heat and retain it even after the sun sets, percolating the heat below and increasing the room's temperature. But don't worry, the solution is here with a special offer this summer!(Checkout this link: Heat reflective coatings, which are white in color with high SRI (Sun refractory Index), can help reduce the amount of heat absorbed by your roof slab and keep your room cooler. Watch the video learn more about this problem and how to fix it. ※※※ Join our Telegram channel for regular tips & updates! #beattheheat #coolfacts #constructionsite #architectureschool #designbuild #modernhomes #homeimprovements #dreamhomes #concretedesign #buildingdesign #interiordesigning #renovationideas #engineeringlife #contractor
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Labour + Material
Let’s learn what options we have for outdoor flooring. Which one do you prefer? Learn tips, tricks and details on Home construction with Kolo Education 👍🏼 If our content has helped you, do tell us how in the comments ⤵️ Follow us on @koloeducation to learn more!!! #education #architecture #construction #building #exterior #design #home #interior #expert #categoryop #koloeducation #deck #flooring #outdoor
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