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Contractor | Palakkad, Kerala
₹2,100 per sqft
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4bhk firstfloor667sqft groundfloor850sqft totalfloor1517sqft location:wayanad client name:rahul raveendran #4bhk #3d #below2000sqft #Wayanad
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*House Plans, House* *Construction (Interior, Exterior and Landscaping), Interior Design, Exterior Design and Renovation* *More details about……* * Arccom Builders * *Cochin I Calicut, I Thrissur *Kannur |
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₹1 per sqft
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DG 001 | Residence | Work in progress Site area : 12 cent Builtup area : 1850 sq.ft Location : Thamarassery #architecture #architecturedesign #tropicalarchitecture #architectureinkerala #keralaarchitecture #architecturaldigest #residence #archdaily #buildofy #archpro #veedu
*House Plans, House* *Construction (Interior, Exterior and Landscaping), Interior Design, Exterior Design and Renovation* *More details about……* * Arccom Builders * *Cochin I Calicut, I Thrissur *Kannur |
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#HomeAutomation #KeralaStyleHouse #indianarchitectsandbuilders
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