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Prakriti Builders
Contractor | Ernakulam, Kerala
₹1,950 per sqft
Labour + Material
Premium construction services across Kerala #HouseConstruction #Homeloanadvisor #premiumquality
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PRAKRITI BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS, Construction company in Kochi, Kerala We are a group of highly qualified professionals that can provide accurate works and truly valuable financial services to our customers. Actually we have 3 category.... BUDGET HOMES - Rate Rs 1950/ sq ft STANDARD HOMES -Rate Rs 2150/-sq ft PREMIUM- HOMES - Rate Rs 2450/ sq ft CONTACT :7592978111 Please note that we are also providing loan facility if you needed. Our rate of interest is only 6% per annum upto 2229 sq ft villa and above 2300 sq ft villa our interest rate is only 7% per annum. And your repayment starts only after the key handover of your villa. We can provide finance upto 75% depends on your eligibility. Your contribution is only 25 %. Loan tenure - 5 years to 15 years . #quality #ElevationHome #FlooringTiles #HouseDesigns #ClosedKitchen #50LakhHouse #24x7 #30x20house #NorthFacingPlan #Mattresses #50LakhHouse #EastFacingPlan #SouthFacingPlan #WestFacingPlan #RoseGarden #Home
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