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Linesh Ambady
Contractor | Kollam, Kerala
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2 Storey Appartment Building @ Trivandrum Client: Aframe Developers Design: CIVILMANTHRA DESIGNERS #appartments #3delevations #exteriordesigns
₹2.5 per sqft
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Simple elegant Budget home under 1450 sq.ft. Facilities - 2 Bedroom, 2 Washrooms, Living room , Dining area, Kitchen, Work area, Stair room, Balcony and Carporch . . . Designed by Merak projects Office @ Pandalam, Pathanamthitta Contact to Build your Custom designed dream home. . . Ar. Nithin Jacob Contact : +91 755 9834635 #moderndesign #architecturedesigns #Architect #Pathanamthitta #KeralaStyleHouse #TraditionalHouse #keralahomedesignz #FloorPlans #2BHKPlans #budgethomeplan #budget #Alappuzha #Kollam #Kottayam #trivandram #FloorPlans #architecturekerala #archkerala #architecturedaily
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നിങ്ങളുടെ ആവശ്യതകൾ നിറവേറ്റുന്ന ഡിസൈൻ FREE ... START PLANNING YOUR HOME NOW!! ഈ ഓഫറുകളും കൂടാതെ നിങ്ങളുടെ ഭാവന നിർമാണത്തിന് MORROW HOMESയ് വ്യസ്തവും ആകർഷവുമായ ഓഫറുകളും ലഭ്യമാണ്. (STARTING RATE -1650/SQFT) കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്ക്
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House renovation. . . #GraniteFloors #HouseDesigns #HomeAutomation #ContemporaryHouse #Kozhikode #FrontDoor #KeralaStyleHouse #FlooringSolutions #HouseDesigns #HouseConstruction #automation #typography
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New work ongoing Adoor
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2980 Sq.Ft 4BHK Single floor Residential Building@Chemmakkadu, Kollam #KeralaStyleHouse #SingleFloorHouse #modernhome
Proposed Residence for Mr.Ali Asgar and family
2 bedroom house design. Total area 1200 sqft. #2bedroom #2BHKPlans #2BHKHouse #simplehome #budgethomeplan
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Upcoming Residential project. Residence at Kolenchery, Kerala Client : Nimmil Mohan Location: Kolenchery, Ernakulam Area : 3400 sqft . . . #tropicalmodernism #tropicalgarden #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #tropical #indianarchitecture #modernism #youngdesigners #indianarchitects #keralaresidence #keralahomedesigns #keralahomedesigners #modernarchitecture #moderninteriordesign #contemporary #design #designdetails #keralaresidence #kerala #designtrends #shadowarchitects #shadows #shades #tropicalgarden #tropicalgarden
2 storey construction at Pazhuthuruth JGC THE COMPLETE BUILDING SOLUTION Kuravilangad Vaikom road near Bosco junction 📞8281434626 📧 #floorplan3d #InteriorDesigner #HouseDesigns #KeralaStyleHouse #Painter #WallPutty #FlooringTiles #FoldingDoors #GraniteFloors #BathroomDesigns #4DoorWardrobe #WoodenBalcony
New work @Adoor
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Linesh Ambady
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