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Arun S
Contractor | Ernakulam, Kerala
#soilcompaction #soilfilling #tharakalakkal #foundation #hitachi
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Commersial Building site at Cherithuruthi.
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BITU FIXingggg,,😍😍😍
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#foundation #backfilling #ongoing #bandhanconstruction
near Ernakulam boat jetty #Ernakulam #kochi #KeralaStyleHouse #weatherproof #wherhouse #MetalSheetRoofing #Weldingwork #steelcraft #steelwork
Advantages of Laterite Bricks Laterite bricks are natural stones so they have cooling properties hence they keep the home cool during summers which is a great benefit for hot regions. Due to its natural properties, laterite brick has good thermal insulation properties and they easily adapt ad adjust with the weather.
Starting new project at Mannarkkad. Marking done. ready for Hitachi #homeconstructionproject #mannarkkad #constructionsite #HouseConstruction #completed_house_construction #Contract
#backfilling #foundation_prepration
plot leveling
GFRG home contact us if you are interested to know more #gfrg #modernhome #moderndesign #benchmarkconnect
filling ഫിനിഷ്
Arun S
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