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🇻 🇦 🇦 🇸 🇺 🇰 🇮 Engineers Architects
Civil Engineer | Pathanamthitta, Kerala
Ithu Bangalore stone size. 2x2,2x1,and 2x3. 50 mm thickness. 25 mm artificial grass.. 2 inch size. 175 per sqft. With artificial grass full work.. Natural grass ane 165 /-
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Ithu thandoor stone 2x2 size 50 mm thickness. 25 mm artificial grass.. 2 inch size.
Thandoor stone (Gray )colour with Artificial Grass
interlook with artificial grass work finished
Bangalore stone with artificial grass
₹170 per sqft
Labour + Material
Stones are available. Different types of Stones & Artificial grass for Landscape laying. Full work (Material + Laying) (Customer provide : Cement and Chips) Bottom Flamed stone with artificial grass - ₹155 sqft Cobble stone with laying - ₹165 sqft Kadappa stone with artificial grass - ₹120 sqft Kadappa Red stone with Artificial grass - ₹130 sqft Thadoor stone with Artificial grass - ₹135 sqft Box Cutting Bangalore stone full work - ₹165 sqft Cobble stone + design - ₹175 sqft Half Cutting 50 mm Bangalore stone with Artificial grass - ₹170 sqft Half Cutting 50 mm Bangalore stone W/O artificial grass - ₹155 sqft Full cutting Sadarahalli white - ₹165 sqft Bottom Ruff with Artificial grass - ₹150 sqft #InteriorDesigner #nijugeorge #niju_george #stonesupplier #BangaloreStone #thadoorstones #Kadappa #kadappastones #lateritestone
₹120 per sqft
Labour Only
Banglore stone with artificial grass, full work setting -150 /sqft -50"mm thickness
₹150 per sqft
Labour + Material
#Tandur stone with artificial grass # size 2×1
Stones available Different types of Stones & Artificial grass for Landscape laying. Full work (Material + Laying) (Customer provide : Cement and Chips) Bottom Flamed stone with artificial grass - ₹155 sqft Cobble stone with laying - ₹165 sqft Kadappa stone with artificial grass - ₹120 sqft Kadappa Red stone with Artificial grass - ₹130 sqft Thadoor stone with Artificial grass - ₹135 sqft Box Cutting Bangalore stone full work - ₹165 sqft Cobble stone + design - ₹175 sqft Half Cutting 50 mm Bangalore stone with Artificial grass - ₹170 sqft Half Cutting 50 mm Bangalore stone W/O artificial grass - ₹155 sqft Full cutting Sadarahalli white - ₹165 sqft Bottom Ruff with Artificial grass - ₹150 sqft #kadappastones #cobblestone #thadoorstones #BangaloreStone #SandStone #stoneveneer #BathroomTIles #FlooringSolutions
₹120 As per Which Stone Select from Description
Labour Only
interlock with artificial grass work
bangalore stone with artificial grass
Bangloor stone with Artificial Grass 35 MM
bangalore stone with artificial grass
Bangalore stone laying with Artificial grass and Pebbles...
₹160 per sqft
Labour Only
kota stone with artificial grass
₹125 per sqft
Labour + Material
half cut with artificial
Different types of Stones & Artificial grass for Landscape laying. Full work (Material + Laying) (Customer provide : Cement and Chips) Bottom Flamed stone with artificial grass - ₹155 sqft Cobble stone with laying - ₹165 sqft Kadappa stone with artificial grass - ₹120 sqft Kadappa Red stone with Artificial grass - ₹130 sqft Thadoor stone with Artificial grass - ₹135 sqft Box Cutting Bangalore stone full work - ₹165 sqft Cobble stone + design - ₹175 sqft Half Cutting 50 mm Bangalore stone with Artificial grass - ₹170 sqft Half Cutting 50 mm Bangalore stone W/O artificial grass - ₹155 sqft Full cutting Sadarahalli white - ₹165 sqft Bottom Ruff with Artificial grass - ₹150 sqft #BangaloreStone #SandStone #stonelayingceremony #StonePathways #cobblestone #kadappastones #thadoorstones #ruffstones #flamedstone
₹130 per sqft
Labour + Material
Different types of Stones & Artificial grass for Landscape laying. Full work (Material + Laying) (Customer provide : Cement and Chips) Bottom Flamed stone with artificial grass - ₹155 sqft Cobble stone with laying - ₹165 sqft Kadappa stone with artificial grass - ₹120 sqft Kadappa Red stone with Artificial grass - ₹130 sqft Thadoor stone with Artificial grass - ₹135 sqft Box Cutting Bangalore stone full work - ₹165 sqft Cobble stone + design - ₹175 sqft Half Cutting 50 mm Bangalore stone with Artificial grass - ₹170 sqft Half Cutting 50 mm Bangalore stone W/O artificial grass - ₹155 sqft Full cutting Sadarahalli white - ₹165 sqft Bottom Ruff with Artificial grass - ₹150 sqft #BangaloreStone #SandStone #StonePathways #stonelayingceremony #artificialgrasswork #cobblestone #kadappastones #thadoorstones #thadoor #sadarahallistones #flamedstone #ruffstones
₹130 per sqft
Labour + Material
Different types of Stones & Artificial grass for Landscape laying. Full work (Material + Laying) (Customer provide : Cement and Chips) Bottom Flamed stone with artificial grass - ₹155 sqft Cobble stone with laying - ₹165 sqft Kadappa stone with artificial grass - ₹120 sqft Kadappa Red stone with Artificial grass - ₹130 sqft Thadoor stone with Artificial grass - ₹135 sqft Box Cutting Bangalore stone full work - ₹165 sqft Cobble stone + design - ₹175 sqft Half Cutting 50 mm Bangalore stone with Artificial grass - ₹170 sqft Half Cutting 50 mm Bangalore stone W/O artificial grass - ₹155 sqft Full cutting Sadarahalli white - ₹165 sqft Bottom Ruff with Artificial grass - ₹150 sqft #BangaloreStone #SandStone #cobblestone #kadappastones #thadoorstones #flamedstone #ruffstones #nijugeorge #niju_george #InteriorDesigner
₹150 per sqft
Labour + Material
half cutting with artificial grass 155st
sqft ---165
₹165 per sqft
Labour + Material
Civil Engineer
🇻 🇦 🇦 🇸 🇺 🇰 🇮 Engineers Architects
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