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Sarath Kumar
Civil Engineer | Kottayam, Kerala
₹5 per sqft
Labour Only
sanction Plan for construction of residential Building at Changanacherry client: Antony Location: changanacherry #plans #FloorPlans #koloapp #kolo #koloeducation #viralposts #koloviral #signaturesinfrastructures
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₹6 per sqft
Labour Only
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Finalised plan for renovation of residential building at Trivandrum Client - Vijayakumar Location- Trivandrum #koloapp #koloviral #plans
₹6 per sqft
Labour Only
FLOOR PLANS #FloorPlans #HouseDesigns #HouseConstruction #KeralaStyleHouse #keralahomeplans #2D_plan #Architect #architecturedesigns #CivilEngineer #HouseConstruction #autocad
₹2 per sqft
Labour Only
Floor plan #FloorPlans #homedesigne #homeplan #SmallHouse #Smallhousekerala
Civil Engineer
Sarath Kumar
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