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Rajesh TR
Civil Engineer | Ernakulam, Kerala
3d exterior
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#renovation #3d exterior #elevation #2storeyhome
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മോഡേൺ സ്റ്റൈൽ വേണം പക്ഷേ ക്ലാഡ്ഢിങ് വെല്ലുകല്ല് വേണം ഇതായിരുന്നു ക്ലൈൻ്റ് ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടത്. Design Edge Thrissur Freelance designer Mob : 9446525290 ഇതുപോലെ നിങ്ങളുടെ വീട്ന്റെ 3d ഡിസൈൻ, പ്ളാൻ, ഇൻ്റീരിയർ ഡിസൈൻ, ഇലക്ട്രിക്കൽ ആൻഡ് പ്ലംബിംഗ് തുടങ്ങി ഏതൊരു വർക്കിംഗ് ഡ്രോയിംങ്ങിനും ഞങളെ കോണ്ടാക്ട് ചെയ്യാം . Plan / 3D exterior & interior / Interior design/ Detailed working drawings/ Electical & plumbing drawings Design Edge Thrissur Freelance designer Insta@ design_edge_thrissur #exteriordesigns #exterior3D #exterior_Work #ElevationHome #HomeDecor #SmallHomePlans #homeinterior #3d #3DPlans #freelancerdesigner
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₹2 per sqft
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Client - Jomen Mathew Place - Adoor, Pathanamthitta Area - 2730 sq ft ( including two shops in ground floor ) Contemporary style SERVICES OFFERED 🔖 Floor Plan 🔖 Exterior Elevation 🔖 Exterior 3D design 🔖 Elevation working drawings 🔖 Interior layout 🔖 Interior 3D design 🔖 Detailed drawings 🔖 Electrical drawings 🔖 Plumbing drawings 🔖 Interior working drawings 🔖 Landscape design #keralahomedesign #interiordesign #homedesign #architecture #viral #keralaarchitecture #europeanarchitecture #tradionalhome #nalukett #traditionalhome #IndoorPlants #home2d #2DPlans #ElevationHome #InteriorDesigner #interior #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #ContemporaryHouse #HouseConstruction #ContemporaryDesigns
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😊😊😊 Along with building the house, what should be done to make it very beautiful...? 3d exterior /3d interior 😊😊😊 Along with building the house, what should be done to make it very beautiful...? 3d exterior /3d interior ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🔥❤❤🔥🔥❤❤【8】【9】【2】【1】【0】【1】【6】【0】【2】【9】 #Kerala #home #design #construction #keralaart #Google #abcd #homestyle #hopehome #percentage #district #childrenshome #firsthome #goodhome #keralam #business #khdc #Game #formathome #month #Decemberhome
Client - Lal Area - 1850 Sq ft Place - Kidangannoor Amount 36 lakhs SERVICES OFFERED 🔖 Floor Plan 🔖 Exterior Elevation 🔖 Exterior 3D design 🔖 Elevation working drawings 🔖 Interior layout 🔖 Interior 3D design 🔖 Detailed drawings 🔖 Electrical drawings 🔖 Plumbing drawings 🔖 Interior working drawings 🔖 Landscape design #keralahomedesign #interiordesign #homedesign #architecture #viral #keralaarchitecture #europeanarchitecture #tradionalhome #nalukett #traditionalhome #IndoorPlants #home2d #2DPlans #ElevationHome #InteriorDesigner #interior #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #ContemporaryHouse #HouseConstruction #ContemporaryDesigns
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Residential Building Extension 3D Exterior #simple#attractive #beautifull #aestheticdesign
Civil Engineer
Rajesh TR
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