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Mohammed Nasik Kurikkal
Civil Engineer | Malappuram, Kerala
Tropical Glimpse Project: Residential Landscaping Location: Musliyarangadi Design: Daksata Architects (Ar Varun GK) Landscapes: NAMAN Landscapes #LandscapeIdeas #LandscapeDesign #landscapingforhouses #LandscapeGarden #landscapedesigns Photography: Turtlearts Photography
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A Serene Courtyard Type: Residential Location: Musliyarangadi Architects: Daksata Architects (Ar Varun GK) Landscapes: NAMAN Landscapes Photography: Turtlearts Photography #LANDSCAPING #Landscape #LandscapeDesign #landscapedesigns #landscapingforhouses #landscapeidea #landscapinginkerala
sheet work in puthanathani #truss #MetalSheetRoofing #godown #trussroof
₹25 per sqft
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Merge Project: Residential Landscaping Location: Nilambur Architects: Daksata Architects Landscape:Namanlandscapes #Landscape #landscapeidea #landscapearchitecture #LANDSCAPING #landscapedesigns #LandscapeGarden #landscapinginkerala
Ganesh industries traditional roofing work
Best colonial design for your unique home.... One of our Project @Thrissur district... Thrissur, Eranamkulam,Palakkad , dist Vasudha Homes Lamex Archade PO Road Thrissur -680001 Ph- 7012294648, 9563897897
Roof and tiles work of a house
₹85 per sqft
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Sathya Residence Association with SJA kochi Construction on progress . #Architect #wip #home
Civil Engineer
Mohammed Nasik Kurikkal
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