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Merlin V Vincent
Civil Engineer | Thrissur, Kerala
₹5 per sqft
Labour Only
Contemporary Style - 2400 Sq.Ft - Vasthu plan #vasthuplan #ContemporaryHouse #EastFacingPlan #4BHKPlans #budget-home #2400sq #cutehomedesigns
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₹5 per sqft
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#4BHKPlans #KeralaStyleHouse #ContemporaryHouse #bigbudject #vasthuconsulting #vasthuplan #FloorPlans #2DPlans #2dDesign #archanaarchetecturalstudio #modernhome #MasterBedroom #ModularKitchen #newsite
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#EastFacingPlan #vasthuhomeplan #4BHKPlans #SingleFloorHouse #2400sq #TraditionalHouse #ContemporaryHouse #2DPlans #vasthuconsulting #vasthushasthra #vasthuthrissur #vasthu #vasthuhomes #KeralaStyleHouse #autocad2d
₹5 per sqft
Labour Only
Vasthu Plan - East Facing - Traditional Style Illam - 4 kettu 20000Sq.Ft - #vasthuhomeplan #EastFacing #20000sqftHouse #TraditionalHouse #6bhk #laxuaryhomes #4kettu
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12550 Sq.Ft - Nalukettu - Vasthu Plan #EastFacingPlan #vasthuplan #laxuary #6bhkhouse #Nalukettu #1250sqft #TraditionalHouse #laxuaryhomes
₹5 per sqft
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# vasthu plan
New project, 2500 sqft contemporary house plan #2DPlans #4BHKPlans #ContemporaryHouse #autocad2delevations #economicaldesign #vasthuplan 2D plans at low prices
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Vasthu Based 4795 Sq.Ft East Facing Traditional House Plan #EastFacingPlan #vasthuplan #TraditionalHouse #HouseDesigns #3BHKPlans #caddrafting #KeralaStyleHouse #vasthuconsulting #floorplan
₹5 per sqft
Labour Only
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₹5 per sqft
Labour Only
4 BHK PLAN LAYOUT. #mjengineers&architects . #4BHKPlans #HouseDesigns #FloorPlans #EastFacingPlan #WestFacingPlan #NorthFacingPlan #budgethomes #ContemporaryHouse #modernhouse #modernhouseplan #dreamhouse #homeplan #houseplan
₹2 per sqft
Labour Only
Vasthu Plan - 2970Sq.Ft - East Facing - Traditional Style - Nalukettu #4BHKPlans #TraditionalHouse #Nalukettu #EastFacingPlan #below3000sqft #vasthuplan
₹5 per sqft
Labour Only
Civil Engineer
Merlin V Vincent
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