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Civil Engineer | Malappuram, Kerala
Proposed 3D Elevation AREA: 900 SQFT SINGLE FLOOR NO. OF ROOMS: 2BHK CONTEMPORARY STYLE YEAR: 2024 #3delevationhome #3dview #singlestory #below1000sqft #2BHKHouse Credit: Rahees Kolathur
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1000 Sqft 🏠 2 BHK Credit: Rahees Kolathur #3dhomes #3d #3delevationhome #2bhk #SingleFloorHouse
2800/4 bhk/Contemporary style /double storey/Palakkad Project Name: shifana Contemporary style house Storey: double Total Area: 1700 Bed Room: 4 bhk Elevation Style: Contemporary Location: Palakkad Completed Year: Cost: 32 lakh
14 ലക്ഷത്തിന്റെ മനോഹര വീട് 😍🏠 Client :- Ashija Location :- Parappanangadi , Malappuram #keralaplanners #keralahomeplans #HomeDecor #ElevationHome #kerala_architecture #archallery #architecturedaily #architecturedesigners Area :- 900 sqft Rooms :- 2 BHK For more detials :- 8129768270 ഈ വീടിന്റെ പ്ലാൻ വേണ്ടവർ ഉടൻ നമ്മുടെ ഗ്രൂപ്പിൽ ജോയിൻ ചെയ്യൂ 💯 ഗ്രൂപ്പ് ലിങ്ക് 6️⃣ ➡️
850 sqft #5centPlot #plan #ElevationHome #HouseDesigns #LivingroomDesigns #HouseDesigns #SingleFloorHouse #singlefloor
₹1,600 per sqft
Labour Only
3D Elevation Credit: Rahees Kolathur #2250sqft #4Bhk #doublestorey #3Delevation #ContemporaryHouse #HouseDesigns
2 bhk house
2630 sq.ft.# Single Floor #SlopingRoofHouse #ContemporaryHouse #keralastyle Full home 3d visualization High quality rendering sqft rate : 2 Rs #kerala #HouseDesigns #india #KeralaStyleHouse #Architect #InteriorDesigner #HomeDecor #3d_visulaisation #lumion #budjuthomes #3d #ElevationHome #keralaplanners #keralastyle #keraladesigns
Labour Only
നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്വപ്ന ഭവനങ്ങളുടെ 3D view,പ്ലാൻ ഏറ്റവും കുറഞ്ഞ നിരക്കിൽ നിങ്ങൾ ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്ന രീതിയിൽ call/ whatsup : 7356965655 #lowcostdesign #exteriordesigns #3dmodeling #Floor Plans#3DFloorPlan #narrowhouseplan #apartmentdesign #2BHKPlans #abcco #lifemission #lifehomes #3BHKHouse #4BHKPlans #Contemporary House #contemporary #contemporaryart #koloviral #kerlahouse #kerlaarchitecture #kerlatreditional #lowcosthouse #lowcost #keralastyle #kerlaarchitecture #trendy #nalukettveddu #nalukettuarchitecturestyle #nalukettveddu #Nalukettu #exteriordesign #interiordesign #architecture #design #exterior #homedecor #interior #home #homedesign #d #architect #construction #outdoorliving #interiordesigner #realestate #Traditional House #nalukettuarchitecturestyle #nalukettuhouseplan #freehomeplans
നിങ്ങളുടെ വീടും ഇതുപോലെ മാനേഹരമാക്കാണോ...? Area: 900 sqft(2 bhk) Category: Budget home Cost: 14 lakhs for more details contact us: 9946716165,8075745927 For more info, contact us:8075745927 @staunch_builders #3d #ElevationHome #contomporory #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #budget_home_simple_interi #ContemporaryHouse #EastFacingPlan #exterior_Work #WestFacingPlan
*Contact for Beautiful home plans and exterior, intrior designs✨* Clint :- Nasif Location :- Malappuram Area :- 1085 sqft Rooms :- 2 BHK Aprox budget - 30 Lakh For more detials :- 8129768270 WhatsApp :- #ElevationHome #architact #veed #homeinterior
1599 sq ft , 4BHK #3delevationhome
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വീതികുറഞ്ഞ പ്ലോട്ടിൽ 1000 Sqft വീട് ' ഇൻ്റീരിയർ കാണാൻ "Lumrender " you tube channel ചെക്ക് ചെയ്യൂ... #lumrender #SmallHouse #SmallHomePlans #FloorPlans #1000SqftHouse #1000sqft #1000സ്ക്ഫ്റ്ഹൗസ് #1000sqfthouseplan #below1000sqft
*നിങ്ങളുടെ കയ്യിലുള്ള വീടിന്റെ🏡 പ്ലാൻ അനുസരിച്ചു 3d ഡിസൈൻ ചെയ്തുകൊടുക്കുന്നു* *Contact No: WhatsApp* *only 8592024800* WhatsApp link👇🏻 *3D exterior visualisation* *Interior Designg* *Site servies*🏡 SERVICES ALL OVER KERALA 🏡 . . . . . . . #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #LandscapeIdeas #LandscapeGarden #Landscape #LandscapeDesign #frontelevationdesign #ElevationHome #ElevationDesign #ContemporaryHouse #contemporaryhousedesigns #contemporary #contemporaryhomes #boxtypeelevation #boxtype #architecturekerala #architectsinkerala #architectsintaliparamba #Best #Best_designers #best_architect #bestarchitecture #bestarchitectthaliparamba #bestarchitectinkerala #bestarchitectsinkannur #calicutdesigners #designersinkerala #architectsinkerala #architectsincalicut #kannurdesigner #kannurinterior #HomeDecor #3d #3DPlans #3delevationhome #3Delevation #3delevationhome ##ElevationDesign #High_quality_Elevation #frontElevation
Budget Home Area: 900 sqft Location: kannur budget : 18 Lakh #ContemporaryDesigns #ContemporaryHouse #budgethouses #jaali #sloperoof #lowbudgethousekerala #tropicalhouse #tropicalarchitecture #tropicalmodern #mordernhouse #residance #3BHKHouse #3BHKPlans
മൂന്ന് ബെഡ്റൂം കൂടിയ 1600sqft അടിപൊളി വീട് 👌🥰🏡 കണ്ടു നോക്കു 😊.... 3D ഡിസൈൻ ആവിശ്യം ഉണ്ടകിൽ വാട്സ്ആപ്പ് മെസ്സേജ് ചെയ്യു... 996 1991 201 #ContemporaryHouse #housedesign #homedesign #traditional #kerala #keralahouse #contemporary #contemporarydrawing #contemporaryhomes #contemporaryhouse #contemporaryhomedesign #architecture #architecturelovers #architecturedesign #archi #keralahousedesign #3dhomedesign #house #housedesign #traditional #traditionalhouse #trading #traditionalhousedesingkerala #keralatraditional #keralaplan #plan #3bhkhouse #keralahousedesign #kerala #housedesignideas #Malappuram #Mordern #3delevationhome #3dtrending #extirior3d #extiniordesigns #house_exterior_designs #kolopost #koloapp #kolonewpost #kolonewvideo #kolofolowers #Kozhikode #Kannur #Kottayam #Palakkad #Thiruvananthapuram #Idukki #Pathanamthitta #thirssur #Ernakulam #tamilnadu #Alappuzha #Kollam #elegentbedesigns #3DPlans #FloorPlans #reach
₹2.5 per sqft
Labour Only
2800/4 bhk/Contemporary style /double storey/Palakkad Project Name: hamsa haji bhk,Contemporary style house Storey: double Total Area: 2800 Bed Room: 5 bhk Elevation Style: Contemporary Location: Palakkad Completed Year: Cost: 56lakh
single story location -thrissur traditional house 900-sqft spaces -2 bedroom kitchen dining #TraditionalHouse #architecturedesigns #Architect #TraditionalStyle #traditionl #ElevationHome #FloorPlans #InteriorDesigner #SlopingRoofHouse #2BHKHouse #SmallHouse #smallplots
₹1,500 per sqft
Labour + Material
Unveiling the Beauty of Innovative Designs: Where Creativity Meets Structure +91 9388433499 . . . . . . #interiordesign #malappuram #interior #archilover #interiorlovers #homedecor #interiordesign #lezaradesign #interiordesigner #keralahomedesign #homeinterior #stairdesign #walldecor #keralagram
Civil Engineer
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