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Albin Johny Chakkummoottil
Civil Engineer | Idukki, Kerala
വീടിന്റെ 3D വ്യൂ. #budget #3d #KeralaStyleHouse #KitchenIdeas #3dmodeling #economical #keralahomeplans #exteriordesigns #InteriorDesigner
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#3d #KeralaStyleHouse #keralahomeplans
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₹2 per sqft
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3D budget friendly home designs. #3d #exteriordesigns #Architect #ElevationHome #KeralaStyleHouse #architecturedesigns #exterior3D #SmallHouse #budget #budgethomeplan
₹2 per sqft
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Exterior design #exterior_Work #eevationhome #InteriorDesigner #3DPainting #3dmodeling #TexturePainting
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പത്തനംതിട്ട കുമ്പളമ്പോയ്കയിൽ തുടങ്ങുന്ന 2100 sqft ഇരുനില വീടിന്റെ 3 d model 👍9961616669
1650 Sq.Ft 3 Bhk budget type contemporary style design... #ContemporaryHouse #ContemporaryDesigns #contemporary #HouseConstruction #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #keralahomeplans
Residence for Adarsh - 2022 Location - Trivandrum #architecturedesigns #ElevationDesign #residenceproject #3dmodeling #exteriordesigns #InteriorDesigner #3dvisualisation
₹4 per sqft
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Residence proposed design. #keralaarchitectures #KeralaStyleHouse #keralahomeplans #keralahousedesigns #3d #3drending #SmallHomePlans #FloorPlans #exteriordesigns #ElevationDesign
Witnessing the contemporary design concept at Thiruvarppu 1600 Sq.Ft 🏠 4BHK Contact for dream to reality Plan | Permit | 3D | Construction | Vasthu Shastra oriented Follow for more 📞 9497208119 #HouseDesigns #ContemporaryHouse #architecturedesigns #KeralaStyleHouse #WestFacingPlan
Client - Lal Area - 1850 Sq ft Place - Kidangannoor Amount 36 lakhs SERVICES OFFERED 🔖 Floor Plan 🔖 Exterior Elevation 🔖 Exterior 3D design 🔖 Elevation working drawings 🔖 Interior layout 🔖 Interior 3D design 🔖 Detailed drawings 🔖 Electrical drawings 🔖 Plumbing drawings 🔖 Interior working drawings 🔖 Landscape design #keralahomedesign #interiordesign #homedesign #architecture #viral #keralaarchitecture #europeanarchitecture #tradionalhome #nalukett #traditionalhome #IndoorPlants #home2d #2DPlans #ElevationHome #InteriorDesigner #interior #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #ContemporaryHouse #HouseConstruction #ContemporaryDesigns
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Upcoming project... 3d render #KeralaStyleHouse #keralaarchitectures #ContemporaryHouse #3dhouse #architecturekerala #ExteriorDesign #InteriorDesigner
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ONGOING PROJECT @ IRINJALAKUDA sq ft -2400 #3d #KeralaStyleHouse #KeralaStyleHouse #MrHomeKerala #KeralaStyleHouse #keralaplanners #keralaarchitectures #keralahomestyle #elevationrender #exterior3D #MrHomeKerala #newwork #new_home #newhousedesigns
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Let our lifelike 3D renderings transport you to your dream home. Explore every corner and envision the possibilities with Edathara Construction. #EdatharaDreamHome #Architectural Dreams #3Dvisualization #exteriordesigns #HouseDesigns
Civil Engineer
Albin Johny Chakkummoottil
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