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Civil Engineer | Thrissur, Kerala
Completed Project CLIENT- JAYASANKAR LOCATION- VELAPPAYA #HouseRenovation #completed_house_construction #completed_house_project #exteriorrenovation #kolokerala
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Completed Project CLIENT-ANILKUMAR LOCATION-PADUKKAD #completed_house_construction #Completedproject #completed_house_project # beforeandafter #kolokerala
our completed project Client: Fasil location: Malappuram #budgethome❤️ #SlopingRoofHouse #exteriordesing #HouseConstruction #turkeyproject
2800/4 bhk/Contemporary style /double storey/Palakkad Project Name: shifana Contemporary style house Storey: double Total Area: 1700 Bed Room: 4 bhk Elevation Style: Contemporary Location: Palakkad Completed Year: Cost: 32 lakh
Client Name - Praveen Location - Thrissur ,Venkitangu. Area Details - 1850 Sqft Work -Exterior & Interior *House Plans, House* *Construction (Interior, Exterior and Landscaping), Interior Design, Exterior Design and Renovation* *More details about……* * Arccom Builders * *Cochin I Calicut, I Thrissur *Kannur | ☎️ :- *+91 8767 600 400*
COMPLETED PROJECT CLIENT-VINOJ LOCATION-VARADIYAM #completed_house_construction #Completedproject #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #keralahomeplans
4bhk sqft2100 client name:marakar location :koppam, palakkad #3d #ElevationHome #HouseDesigns
Labour + Material
Location#Edappal#kololambbu Type of Project : Residential Client: Sreenivasan area: 1850 sqft below 30L Design by: Right way congratulation Phone no ; 9747367536
Newly Awarded Project. Client : Milana Area : 1874 Sq.Ft Location : Panangad, Kodungallur “നിങ്ങളുടെ വീടിന്റെ സ്ക്വയർ ഫീറ്റ് റേറ്റ് നിങ്ങൾക്കു തന്നെ തീരുമാനിക്കാം” നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്വപ്ന വീട് നിർമ്മിക്കുന്നതിനു ഞങ്ങൾ നിങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കാം. Reliable Builders #ഹോം കൺസ്ട്രക്ഷൻ #കൊമ്മേർഷ്യൽ ബിൽഡിംഗ് കൺസ്ട്രക്ഷൻ #ഇന്റീരിയർ ഡിസൈനിങ് #ബിൽഡിംഗ് റിനോവേഷൻ #ബിൽഡിംഗ് ഡ്രായിങ്സ് #ബിൽഡിംഗ് പെർമിറ്റ്സ് # സ്റ്റീൽ സ്ട്രക്ചർ ബിൽഡിംഗ് Location - 1st Floor, NAS Tower, Private bus stand Rd, Kodungallur, Thrissur വിളിക്കുക 7736761321, 9497132221 Website- Email - Facebook page - #CivilEngineer #Contractor #Buildingconstruction #Residentialprojects #commercialbuilding #structurework #InteriorDesigner #SUPERVISION #keyhandover #fullfinish #villaconstrction #HouseDesigns #buildingrenovation #buildingdrawing #buildingpermits #budgethomes #ContemporaryHouse #ContemporaryDesigns #ModularKitchen #2DPlans #qualityconstruction #ElevationDesign #materialselection
₹2,050 per sqft
Labour + Material
#HouseRenovation #ElevationHome #ElevationDesign #exterior_Work #exteriordesing #exteriors
# completed project client: Subhash & Manju subhash place:perumpadavom
5800 sqft|double storey|Traditional project details Kerala traditional house with quadrangle courtyard Area:5800 sqft completed year:2022 Elevation style:Traditional client name :Shilla location : Athani, Thrissur . . . #turnkeyhomes #fullhouse #TraditionalHouse #quadranglecourtyard #courtyard #4kettu #naalukettu #Thrissur #qbicbuilders #qbic #traditionalelevation #modernelevation
Labour + Material
completed budget friendly project location: Aroor.alappuzha . . . . . . #budgethomes #happyclient💕 #HouseConstruction #turnkeycontractor #lifestyleluxuries #Eranakulam #Alappuzha
Client name - Shamsudheen Location - Chenthrapinni, Thrissur Type of construction- Exterior with interior Total area - 3400 Sq ft Work status - progressing. Type of work-Contemporary Total cost - 90 Lac . . More details for design and constructions Contact :- +91 9846 628 628
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Completed project at S. N. Puram Kodungallur
Proposed Residential Elevation CLIENT- AKHIL LOCATION-NELLUVAI #KeralaStyleHouse #keralaexterior #kolokerala #koloindia #3dsmaxdesign #3dsmaxvray
Ongoing Project Client :- Mr. Rafeeq Category :- Residential #KeralaStyleHouse #CivilEngineer #keralacontemporaryarchitecture #civilcontractors #keralaconstructioncompany
Project - Renovation project Client - Mr.Sabeesh Location- Chambakkara Area -1870 Sq. ft Cost - 28Lakhs #HouseDesigns #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #architectsinkerala #SmallHomePlans #HouseRenovation #3d #perspective #3DPlans #InteriorDesigner #vasthu #vasthuconsultancy #vastuplanforhomes
Labour Only
Client name - Shamsudheen Location -Chenthrapinni,Thrissur Area - 3336 Sqft Work - Exterior & Interior Status - Running.... Arccom Builders❤️❤️
4 BHK HOUSE IN MALAPPURAM / TURNKEY PROJECT BY ARKIPLAN DEVELOPERS -UNLOCK YOUR DREAM project Name :- SAMAD RES Total area :- 2000 sqft Bedroom :- 4 no Elevation Style :- NEW TRADITIONAL DESIGN Location :- Malappuram , ARIMBRA Completed year :- 2023 Plot Size :- 9 CENT Client Name :- SAMAD Feel free to reach out to us for a consultation Make your Dream Home a Reality With ARKIPLAN DEVELOPERS- UNLOCK YOUR DREAM-Affordable Excellence! Our services 1.Architectural Designing (2d,3d) 2.Interior Designing 4.Structure Construction 4.Interior work 5.Turnkey Construction 6.Project Management 7.Total Consulting #FullHomeConstruction #FrontElevation #Elevation #plan #3BHKPlans #HomePlanning #ExteriorDesign #LivingArea #HomeRenovation #InteriorDesign #InteriorDesigning #HomeConstruction #KitchenDesign #BedroomDesign #ElevationDesign #3dElevation #HallDesign #StaircaseDesign #HomeConstruction #DreamHome#AffordableConstruction
Civil Engineer
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