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Building Supplies | Palakkad, Kerala
crockery unit #crockeyunit #CivilEngineer #Contractor #houseowner #Palakkad #thrissurbuilders #Palakkadinterior
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99 272 888 82 Call Me FOR Carpenters WhatsApp: My Services on Labour Rate 👇 modular kitchen, wardrobes, cots, Study table, Dressing table, TV unit, Pergola, Panelling, Crockery Unit, washing basin unit, Office Interior, Tile work, Painting work, welding work I work only in labour square feet, Material should be provide by owner, __________________________________ ⭕QUALITY IS BEST FOR WORK ⭕ I work Every Where In Kerala ⭕ Languages known , Malayalam _________________________________
99 272 888 82 Call Me FOR Carpenters WhatsApp: My Services on Labour Rate 👇 modular kitchen, wardrobes, cots, Study table, Dressing table, TV unit, Pergola, Panelling, Crockery Unit, washing basin unit, Office Interior, Tile work, Painting work, welding work I work only in labour square feet, Material should be provide by owner, __________________________________ ⭕QUALITY IS BEST FOR WORK ⭕ I work Every Where In Kerala, __________________________________
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ഹിന്ദി Carpenters Call Me: 99272 88882 I work only in labour rate carpenter available in all Kerala Whatsapp me #kerala #Sauthindia #india #Contractor #HouseConstruction #KeralaStyleHouse #MixedRoofHouse #keralaarchitecture #LShapeKitchen #Kozhikode #Ernakulam #calicut #Kannur #trending #Thrissur #construction #wardrobe, #TV_unit, #panelling, #partition, #crockery, #bed, #dressings_table #washing _counter #ഹിന്ദി_ആശാരി #കേരളം #മലയാളം
Finished 👍 Crockery unit Site : Aluva
fantastic model crockery unit @ ₹.30,000 edappal
Labour + Material
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Customised Economic Crockery Unit #crockeryunit #crockerydesign #crockery #crockeryshowcase
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₹1,800 per sqft
Labour Only
Skyline Oasis Villa -Kottayam #Partition wall with Crockery unit # Silent Valley Interiors since 1999 # 9446444810 #
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Wash Unit & Crockery Unit Marine Ply & Mica Lamination Clint name: Mujeeb Shaji
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