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Sajeev sujin
Building Supplies | Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
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ONGOING PROJECT #Kattakada, Thiruvananthapuram 🔰 Contact us. +91 79072 87003 HOMELAND CIVIL TECH 🏡 "We are proud to say that HOME LAND CIVIL TECH is a 15 years experienced construction company" 🧭Hiring construction works for : 🔛BUDGET HOMES 🔛RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 🔛COMMERCIAL BUILDING 🔛INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 🔛TOWNSHIPS 🔛APARTMENTS 🔛ALL KIND OF MAINTENANCE WORKS 3D DESIGNING , REVIT WALKOUT PLANS, PERMIT DRAWINGS
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UG Sump Tank Reinforcement
Building Supplies
Sajeev sujin
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