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Vihanie Power solutions
Building Supplies | Kozhikode, Kerala
1200 LPd Solar water heater project@ Well view'residency Prasinikadav@Kannur
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5KW On-grid project &100 Lpd Solar water heater@ Eritty kannur... # # #
Solar Water Heater
Labour + Material
solar water heater
EAGLE SOLAR WATER HEATER #solarwaterheater #solarsystem
Labour + Material
10kw On-grid project@ IOCL Petrol pump Kollam Karunagappalli... # #Kotak solar panels &Soffar inverter
HEL solar water heater extracts natural sunlight and produces hot water. This system works on thermosiphon principle and ensures continues availability of hot water for your family for all seasons. HEL solar water heaters uses 3-layered tri-element vacuum tubes which ensures optimum energy absorption and high efficiency. The hot water is stored inside an insulated solar hot water tank sealed with high density PUF for use whenever required. HEL 3 layered tri-element vacuum tube produce enough energy to heat water up to 80°C which is more than sufficient for bathing and washing purpose in bathrooms and kitchen. With no maintenance requirement, HEL solar water heater provides a low cost long term solution for your daily hot water needs. For cloudy days, solar water heater have a optional electric heating element for backup. This is the most effective way to generate hot water by saving costly electricity and other fuel charges and is environmental friendly. contact :- 9745893893
solar panels
solar water heater
BET-Solar Power Systems #BET Solar Power Systems #PollutionControl #Environmental challenges #BET EnviroCare
#kozhikkottukar #kozhikode #solarenergy # solar #greenenergy #solarpanelkerala
# Supreme solar water heater
Solar Panel 3Kw
#stringsolar #solarpanel #solarinstallation #solar_green_energy #solarsystemincalicut #solarwaterheater #solarsysteminkerala #solarenergy
Labour + Material
#supreme solar water heater #supreme solar indias best Solar water heater #SolarSystems #solar_green_energy
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On Grid Solar Systems
BET SOLAR . . . About us, An Integrated Pollution Management Company based in KERALA & KARNATAKA. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified, MSME Approved Startup with innovative Patent waiting Pollution Solving designs. Email id : contact no : 9400123132 , 9400992462 WhatsApp: https:/ Services: Water Treatment. ETP & STP Waste Water Treatment. Water Quality Testing Laboratory. Rain Water Filtration& Recharging Systems. Food Waste Management. Solid Waste Management. Solar Energy Systems. Integrated Farming. Renewable Green Engineering Consultancy. #eco #plasticfree #sustainable #ecofriendlyproducts #sustainableliving #sustainability #ecofriendlyliving #savetheplanet #gogreen #environment #recycle #zerowasteliving #environmentallyfriendly #climatechange #reuse #noplastic #reducereuserecycle #ecoliving #biodegradable #ecofashion #reusable #zerowastelifestyle #greenliving #zerowastehome #zerowastelife#BETEnviroca
fiberglass water proof
#5kw on grid solar #kizhissery #malappuram
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Vihanie Power solutions
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