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nithin s babu
Building Supplies | Palakkad, Kerala
#BuildwithTataTrust #TATA_STEEL #tataMeansSavings #tatatiscon 550SD
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Vyzag TMT,Our choice..
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we are stockist and dealers of Tata Tiscon TMT #TATA_STEEL #tatatiscon #kochiindia #tripunithura #BuildingSupplies #HouseConstruction
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*Tata Tiscon TMT * we are stockist and dealers of Tata Tiscon TMT at Tripunithura kochi
₹94 per kg
Labour Only
quality hose is must for home construction. ie the one free from folds and twisting. folding hose will make motor complaint. also buy only needful length only. more length means more possibility for getting twisted and folded.
#BuildwithTataTrust #TATA_STEEL 7907101748
#panels panel board installation
Building Supplies
nithin s babu
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