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CSN Bricks
Building Supplies | Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
msand, psand and jelly available #msand #psand #jelly
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#BuildingSupplies #msand #psand #jelly
#bricks #heatReduction #BuildingSupplies #strongstructure #coolingsystem
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*M - Sand | Manufactured Sand | Trivandrum | On-Site Delivery * Good Quality Material | On-Site, On-Time Delivery | Min Order Quantity - 400CFT | Current rate is based on sites near TVM ( Rate may vary with respect to different locations ) | Contact 8606809825 For more Details
₹66 per CFT
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#wallDecors #lateritestone #Architectural&InterioriorDesigner #stone_cladding #LUXURY_INTERIOR #
we one sand park manarashala msand, Psand , rock, 20 mm , cement...etc
Good Quality M Sand #msand #Thiruvananthapuram #concreteconstruction #constuction #aggregate
warranty Treatment for Termite..100% effective us @8089618518
#cemetcraft & painting
#solidbricks 6×8×12 @kollappally
വീടിന്റെ ചുമരിൽ പൂപ്പൽ പോലെ വരുന്നു അത് എന്താണ് കാരണം എന്ന് അറിയുന്ന ആരെകിലും പറഞ്ഞു തരുമോ
*psand* 1cft
₹70 per cubic feet
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Site Stories -1 Slump Test Slump test is a laboratory or at site test used to measure the consistency of concrete. Slump test shows an indication of the uniformity of concrete in different batches. The shape of the concrete slumps shows the information on the workability and quality of concrete. The characteristics of concrete with respect to the tendency of segregation can be also judged by making a few tamping or blows by tapping rod on the base plate. This test continues using since 1922 due to the simplicity of apparatus and simple procedure. The shape of the Slump cone shows the workability of concrete. Principle of Slump test The slump value of concrete is just a principle of gravity flow of surface of the concrete cone that indicates the amount of water added to it, which means how much this concrete mix is in workable condition. A Frame Developers Maruthoor, Vattappara Trivandrum 695028 #FloorPlans #kola #buildersinkerala #6centPlot #3centPlot #SouthFacingPlan #IndoorPlan
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