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Ar Vismaya VC
Architect | Ernakulam, Kerala
New project @Alappuzha Residential - Turn key project Area : 2082 sqft Tropical modernism based on the ample and aesthetic concepts #Architect #InteriorDesigner #ContemporaryDesigns #contemporaryart #modernism #Architectural&Interior #HouseDesigns #aestheticedits #FloorPlans #sketup3d #vrayrender
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Upcoming project at Thiruvilwamala. . #Architect #architecturedesigns #KeralaStyleHouse #keralaplanners #kolohindi #koloviral #lumion11pro #sketup3d #vrayrender #HouseConstruction #InteriorDesigner #LivingroomDesigns #BedroomDecor #KitchenIdeas
₹2,200 per sqft
Labour + Material
Turn key with just 21 Lakhs Area 1220 Sqft 3 BHK CONTACT 7025654646
*Turn key project* Luxary type construction with good quality materials
₹1,900 per sqft
Labour + Material
Turn key project at Kaloor, EKM for construction and Interior contract anywhere in Kerala ctc:9746242430
interior designs top view jgc projects Kuravilangadu
TROPICAL MODERNISM #HouseRenovation #HouseDesigns #homeimprovement #houseremodeling #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #keralatraditional #civilcontractors #civilconstruction #HouseDesigns #HomeDecor #greenhouse #greenhome #greenhomeproperties #greenhomebuilders #tropicalmodernism
₹125 per sqft
Labour Only
#Turn Key Project # Site Vellore News Print Nagar | Kottayam Square Feet - R.S 2350
Upcoming project: Ernakulam 1. Rs 125 per sqft for design and their full detail drawings 2. For Construction : 10 percent of the total estimated in detailed BOQ #Architect #architecturedesigns #homedesigner #kerala_architecture #tropicalhouse #modernism #lumion11pro #sketchupmodeling #architecturekerala #greenhomeproperties #kolopost #koloviral #homeowner #homeowners #lumion10 #lumion11pro #sketchupmodeling #Ernakulam #Kollam #Kozhikode #Kannur #kolohindi #architectsinkerala #viralkolo #viralvideo
₹125 per sqft
Labour Only
Turn key with just 24 Lakhs Area 1500 Sqft 3BHK Contact 7025654646
₹1,650 per sqft
Labour Only
Upcoming Project Pallikkara, Kakkanadu, Ernakulam #Architect #Architectural&Interior #architecturedesigns #FloorPlans #koloapp #greenhomeproperties #greenhomebuilders #civilconstruction #CivilEngineer #civilcontractors
₹125 per sqft
Labour Only
Upcoming project at Thiruvilwamala. . #Architect #architecturedesigns #KeralaStyleHouse #keralaplanners #kolohindi #koloviral #lumion11pro #sketup3d #vrayrender #HouseConstruction #InteriorDesigner #LivingroomDesigns #BedroomDecor #KitchenIdeas
tropical modernism 2500sqf house with 4 bedrooms, living, dining, family living, kitchen and work area
Turn the key solution...
Turn key with just 15 lakhs !! Quality- 100 % Tension - 0% for more Details Contact 7034775553 #budgethomeplan #Superior quality #Experts guidance
Turn key Project@Kaduthuruthy SMEATON CONTRACTORS, Maradu Kochi visit our instapage for more works#contractorsofinstagram #contractors #commercialbulding #infinityswimmingpool #ernakulamcontractors #civilcontractors #CivilEngineer #kottayamcontractors #kochiinteriors
new project alappuzha valiyakulam.. 1200sqft 200000lakh
Turn key project at Aluva. 2760sqft. # # #
Tropical Modernism Thiruvilwamala #architecturestyle #connectionwithnature #connectivity #privacy #sustainability #minimalisticdesign #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #Contractor #CivilContractor #CivilEngineer #civilconstructions #HomeDecor #ElevationHome #ElevationDesign #ContemporaryHouse #ContemporaryDesigns #kerala_contemporaryarchitecture #contemporaryarchitecture #greenhome #greenhouse #greenhomeproperties #greenhomebuilders #architectconsultant #modernhome #moderndesgin #keralastyle
₹125 per sqft
Labour Only
*low budget homes* turn key projects with quality materials
₹1,500 per sqft
Labour + Material
നിങ്ങളുടെ വീടിൻ്റെ interior നിങ്ങൾ മനസ്സിൽ കണ്ടത്തിലും ഭംഗിയിൽ ഞങ്ങൾ ഡിസൈൻ ചെയ്യുന്നതാണ്. അതും ന്യായമായ നിരക്കിൽ contact us 9037386734 #3dcasters #InteriorDesigner #hall #LivingroomDesigns #dining #TexturePainting #sketup3d #vrayrender #lumionindia #CelingLights #ledlighting #Alappuzha #Kottayam #Kollam #Eranakulam #Thiruvananthapuram #Palakkad
Ar Vismaya VC
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