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Nedac Architecture
Architect | Kollam, Kerala
₹1,000 per sqft
Labour + Material
Residential Interiors #InteriorDesigner #3d #HomeDecor #homedesignideas #architecturedesigns #interiorhomedesigner
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Interior & furnishing
Introducing our latest residential interior work – the TV unit! 📺✨ From sleek modern designs to timeless classics, we have tailored this essential piece to elevate any living space. Our attention to detail ensures not only aesthetic appeal but also functionality, with ample storage and seamless integration. Proud to share a glimpse of our client's dream home brought to life! #InteriorDesign #TVUnit #ResidentialLiving #landsigninteriors
നിങ്ങളുടെ വീടും മനോഹരമാക്കാം ഞങ്ങളിലൂടെ മിതമായ നിരക്കിൽ മികച്ച ഡിസൈനിങ് രീതിയിലൂടെ... CONTACT FOR THE PROJECTS #2DPlans #3d #Interior #exteriors #3d_Animations 🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝 CONTACT:7561051993
₹2 per sqft
Labour Only
Family Living room design #InteriorDesigner #Architectural&Interior #3dvisulization #Minimalistic #architecturedesigns #moderninteriordesign #neutral #HomeDecor #LUXURY_INTERIOR
❤️ . . . . . . . . #LivingRoomTVCabinet #LivingRoomTV #modularTvunits #tvunitinterior #3dmodeling #InteriorDesigner #Architectural&Interior
We are thrilled to present our latest project in Haripad for Mr. Reji. This home perfectly marries modern design with timeless elegance. Completed for Mr. Reji in Haripad, this project features a sophisticated modular kitchen with sleek high-gloss cabinets, pristine quartz countertops, and innovative storage solutions. The living area exudes contemporary charm with custom furniture and ambient lighting, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for the whole family. #CompletedProject #HaripadHomes #ModularKitchen #LivingSpaceDesign #HighGlossCabinets #QuartzCountertops #SmartStorage #ContemporaryDesign #HomeMakeover #KeralaHomes #ClientSatisfaction #InteriorDesign #amazinghomeinteriors
₹2,500 per sqft
Labour + Material
Our Completed Projects #InteriorDesigner #3d #HomeDecor #Designs #timelycompletion #High_Quality #allkeralaservice #execution #ModularKitchen #WardrobeDesigns #partitiondesign
#understaircase tvunit #
#8880009001 #architecturedesigns #Architect #InteriorDesigner #LivingroomDesigns #LivingRoomSofa
#studioghats #jally #jallybrick #tropicalhouse #grey #porotherm #porothermbricks #cera #weinerberger
"We litsen to your needs,design it to your specification and built it to your dreams"... Project : Residential building Client : Mr.Ajith kumar & mrs.Sree subha Ajith Loacation : Oachira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #construction #architecture #design #building #interiordesign #renovation #engineering #contractor #home #realestate #concrete #constructionlife #builder #interior #civilengineering #homedecor #architect #civil #heavyequipment #homeimprovement #house #homedesign #carpentry #art #engineer #work #builders #photography #IHD #indianhousedesign
₹2,800 per sqft
Labour Only
yogendra kumar
Nedac Architecture
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