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Satheesh Koottilangadi
Architect | Malappuram, Kerala
My Low budget white open Kitchen... Work in Progress....
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My Low Budget White Open Kitchen
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Residential project work in progress Client : Jishnu M S Location : Azhikode, Kodugallur Ground floor - 1043 First floor - 530 Total - 1573 Sq ft 3 bed with attached Toilets Sitting, Dining, Open kitchen, Work area, Upper Living Sitout , Balcony Our Services:- ✅ Architectural Designing ✅ Construction ✅ 3D Design ✅ 3D videos ✅ Estimate ✅ Interior Designing ✅ Renovation #2DPlans #designhouse #floorplan #fullconstruction
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₹48 per sqft
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## Kitchen work in WPC ##
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Open kitchen work #OpenKitchnen #modern kitchen #KitchenInterior #InteriorDesigner #interior #keralastyle #KeralaStyleHouse #keralaarchitectures #keralahomeinterior #keralahomedesignz #Architectural&Interior #fullfinish #modernhome
Labour + Material
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L type kitchen work in progress we do all contract as per designs within budget , price varies with quality of materials which we selects.. #homeinterior #dote #dcareinteriors #Ltylekitchen #KitchenIdeas #KitchenRenovation #ModularKitchen
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₹230 per sqft
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WORK IN PROGRESSING LOCATION: ayyanthol #Whtapp #8921882260
work in progress
Satheesh Koottilangadi
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