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Megha J J
Architect | Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
₹5 per sqft
Labour Only
Floor Plan #residencedesigns #FloorPlans #plan3d #3BHK
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Residence Floor Plans #residencedesigns #FloorPlans #Designs
₹7 per sqft
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Contact us immediately at 8055234222 for plans, 3D design and construction requirements. #ivoeryhomes #ivoeryhomesanddevelopers #HouseConstruction #constructioncompany #ConstructionCompaniesInKerala #FloorPlans
Residential house floor plan for our Client Size - 3BHK Area - 1366 sqft Sitout + Living room + Dinning room + Kitchen + Work area #houseplans #floorplans #2dplan #homeplans #2dview #3dview #houserenovation #housedesign #homedesign #interiordesign #homedecor #interiordecor #interiorstyling #houserenovation #housedesign #kitchendesign #homedesign #architecturedesign #renovation #luxuryhomes #customdesign #uniquedesign #keralahomedesigns #keralahomeconcepts #keralahomeplans #keralahome #keralaveed #keralahomemodels #keralatraditionalhome #ContemporaryHouse #ContemporaryDesigns #comtemporary #landsigninteriors
2500sq ft residence design ( vastu corrected plan 71kol )#FloorPlans #Residencedesign #Vastushastra #Architectural&Interior
₹25 per sqft
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residence floor plans #residencedesigns
₹7 per sqft
Labour Only
1650 Sqft 👉🏻 3bhk Floor Plan #FloorPlans #3BHK #SouthFacingPlan #keralahomes #kerala #architecture #plan #engineers #keralahomedesign #interiordesign #homedecor #home #homesweethome #interior #keralaarchitecture #interiordesigner #homedesign #keralahomeplanners #homedesignideas #homedecoration #keralainteriordesign #homes #architect #archdaily #ddesign #homestyling #traditional #keralahome #vasthu #vasthuplan #freekeralahomeplans #homeplans #keralahouse #exteriordesign #architecturedesign #ddrawing #ddesigner #luxury #art #interiorstyling #homestyle #livingroom #inspiration #designer #handmade #homeinspiration #homeinspo #house #realestate #kitchendesign #style #homeinteriordesign #2dDesign #2ddrwaings #ContemporaryDesigns #ContemporaryHouse
₹3 per sqft
Labour Only
...PrOpOsEd DeSiGn InTeRiOr... For space allocation in ground floor. #interiordesign #architecturedesigns #FlooringTiles #interiordesign #VboardPartition #woodpartition #WoodenWindows #TeakWoodDoors #woodencladding #woodenfloor #FlooringTiles #BathroomDesigns #BathroomTIles #lightingdesign #KitchenIdeas #LivingRoomSofa #RectangularDiningTable
Propsed Plan for construction of Residential building at Trivandrum Client- Anil Location - Trivandrum #plans #FloorPlans #koloapp #kolo #koloeducation #viralposts #koloviral #signaturesinfrastructures
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new floor plan 3d @ low rateil
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DM for floor plans :- 4bhk house plan (1800 sq ft) based on vastu #vastufloorplan #CivilEngineer #vasthuhomeplan #lowbudget #budgethomes
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Floor Plan #residencedesigns
₹5 per sqft
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#2200Sqft #3BHK #3BHKPlans #3BHKHouse/// #3bhkhouseplan #vastufloorplan #Vastuconsultant #doubleheight #LivingroomDesigns #LivingRoomTVCabinet #MasterBedroom #masterbedroomdesinger #masterbedroomdesign #StaircaseDesigns #ClosedKitchen #KitchenIdeas #Workarea #toilet #FloorPlans #carporch
A Frame Plan Contact us immediately at 8055234222 for plans, construction and 3D design requirements. #ivoeryhomes #ivoeryhomesanddevelopers #FloorPlans #HouseConstruction #constructioncompany #ConstructionCompaniesInKerala
4bhk home plan designing 2520 sqft l4bhk client :Mrs.anjana #IndoorPlants #4bhk #Architect #modernhome #ElevationHome #plan
Customized plan
Megha J J
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