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Kannan velaparambil
Architect | Thrissur, Kerala
Labour Only
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Residential project work in progress Client : Dinilkumar Location : Kodugallur Ground floor - 1214 First floor - 699 Total - 1913 Sq ft 4 bed with attached Toilets Living, Dining, open kitchen, Work area, Upper Living Sitout , Balcony , Study area, Our Services:- ✅ Architectural Designing ✅ Construction ✅ 3D Design ✅ 3D videos ✅ Estimate ✅ Interior Designing ✅ Renovation DESIGN HOUSE Engineers & Contractors More Details :9633769305,8606138305 #HouseDesigns #saneeshsebastian #Designs #ElevationHome #ElevationDesign #Thrissur #kodungallur #ernakulam😍 #Ernakulam #KeralaStyleHouse #ContemporaryHouse #collonial #3d #SmallHouse #BuildingSupplies #CivilEngineer #civilcontractors #TexturePainting
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LINE BUILDERS AND INTERIORS One of the most trusted construction company QUALITY is our priority ! 10+ yrs of experience in construction field Experienced persons and good quality works ✨Architectural designing ✨ 3D Designing ✨Interior designing ✨ Landscape designing ✨ Renovation works Contact us for more details: 999 589 1234 701 235 7974 #HouseDesigns #ElevationHome #HomeDecor #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #keralaart #keralahomestyle
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Kannan velaparambil
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