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Architect | Ernakulam, Kerala
₹125 per sqft
Labour Only
#Architect #Architectural&Interior #architecturedesigns #greenhome #greenbuilding #greenhomeproperties #greenhomebuilders #koloapp #greenhomepropertieskerala #CivilEngineer #civilconstruction #civilcontractors #3delivation #ContemporaryHouse #ContemporaryDesigns #contemporary #contemporaryarchitecture #KeralaStyleHouse #constructioncompany #ConstructionCompaniesInKerala #HomeDecor #InteriorDesigner #homeinteriordesign
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PATIO #patio #patiodecor #patioarea #Architect #Architectural&Interior #architecturedesigns #contempoaryarchitectur #ContemporaryHouse #contemporary #CivilEngineer #civilconstruction #CivilContractor #greenhomeproperties #greenhomebuilders
Upcoming Project Client: John Priestly Pallikkara, Ernakulam #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #architect #keralastyle #ContemporaryHouse #ContemporaryDesigns #contemporaryhomes #HouseConstruction #constructioncompany #koloapp #greenhomeproperties #greenbuilding
₹125 per sqft
Labour Only
Ongoing project at Alappuzha 2200sqft #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #KeralaStyleHouse #keralaplanners #ContemporaryHouse #tropicalminimalistic #tropicalmodernism #CivilEngineer #Contractor #labor #HouseConstruction #InteriorDesigner #sketup3d #lumion10 #walkthrough_animations #greencaplandscape #greenhomeproperties #greenhomepropertieskerala #greenhomebuilders #koloapp #koloviral #koloamaterials #kolopost
#ContemporaryDesigns #contemporary #constructioncompany #ConstructionCompaniesInKerala
Upcoming Project... Client :- Mr. Manu Location :- Kaipamangalam #architecturedesigns #civilconstruction #civilcontractors #civilengineeringworld #3dmorderndesign #ContemporaryHouse #Architectural&Interior
Tropical Modernism Thiruvilwamala #architecturestyle #connectionwithnature #connectivity #privacy #sustainability #minimalisticdesign #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #Contractor #CivilContractor #CivilEngineer #civilconstructions #HomeDecor #ElevationHome #ElevationDesign #ContemporaryHouse #ContemporaryDesigns #kerala_contemporaryarchitecture #contemporaryarchitecture #greenhome #greenhouse #greenhomeproperties #greenhomebuilders #architectconsultant #modernhome #moderndesgin #keralastyle
₹125 per sqft
Labour Only
DESIGN YOUR DREAM HOME WITH US.... #HouseConstruction #constructionsite #sitestories #CivilEngineer #civilconstruction #civilcontractors #3d #3hour3danimationchallenge #InteriorDesigner
TROPICAL MODERNISM Tropical modernism is an architectural style of wide open spaces connected to sprawling outdoors. At its core is a focus on local resources and knowledge of indigenous building. The style differs greatly from the more widely known and contemporary international style, which embraces minimalism and take a methodical approach to buildings through a logical use of new materials and asymmetrical compositions where form shapes function. MINIMALISM Minimalist architecture, sometimes referred to as “ minimalism “ involves the use of simple design elements, without ornamentation or decoration. Proponents of minimalism believe that considering the content and form of a design to its bare essentials reveals the true essence of architecture. Common characteristics of minimalist architecture include !!!! Pure geometric forms Simple, limited and plain materials Neat and straight components Repetition to give a sense of order and unification Simple open spaces Clean lines MAXIMALISM Maximalism is a design philosophy that is based on the idea of abundance. In design and decor, maximalism is expressed in mixed pattern, saturated colours, multiple fabrics and numerous accessories. Design methodology for building projects:- (1) Introduction (2) Art V Science (3) Stakeholders (4) An iterative process (5) Inputs (6) Design mythology (7) Thought process. #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #ContemporaryHouse #contemporaryarchitecture #ContemporaryDesigns #CivilEngineer #civilconstruction #CivilContractor #HomeDecor #koloapp #greenhomeproperties #greenhomebuilders #greenbuilding #tropicalhouse #tropicalmodernism #4bhk #4BHKPlans #4BHKHouse #3d #ElevationDesign #3D_ELEVATION #3DPlans #KeralaStyleHouse #keralaplanners
₹125 per sqft
Labour Only
Design And Build Your Dream With Turnkey Constructions. ✅Quality workmanship. ✅Professional Supervision. ✅Timely completion. ✅Detailed Drawings. ✅Daily Work Report. ✅All Approvals from Concerned Departments #HouseConstruction #constructioncompany #ConstructionCompaniesInKerala #constuction #home
#Contractor #ContemporaryHouse #HouseConstruction #ContemporaryDesigns #constructionsite #constructioncompany #ConstructionCompaniesInKerala #civilengineeringtraininginstitute #CivilEngineer #civilcontractors #civilwork #civilconstructions #civilengineers #remodeling #remodel #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #architectureldesigns #architectsinkerala #LUXURY_INTERIOR #interiorcontractors #InteriorDesigner #KitchenInterior #interriordesign
UPCOMING PROJECT Pallikkara, Ernakulam Client: John Priestly Area: 2060 sq ft #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #koloapp #HomeDecor #ElevationHome #homedesign #lumionwork #homeinterior #CivilEngineer #civilcontractors #ContemporaryHouse #ContemporaryDesigns #Contractor #tropicalhouse #HouseConstruction #contemporaryarchitecture #floorplsns #ElevationDesign #3drenders #greenhome #greenhomeproperties #greenbuilding #ModularKitchen #constructioncompany #ConstructionCompaniesInKerala
₹125 per sqft
Labour Only
Client :- Mr. Sreenivasan Loc. :- Asmabi College #architecturedesigns #CivilEngineer #civilconstruction #civilcontractors #Architect #KeralaStyleHouse #kerala_architecture #keralaconstructions #3Ddesigner #HomeDecor #KeralaStyleHouse #ContemporaryDesigns #frontElevation #doublestory
Open Pooja space. . . . #courtyardhouse #InteriorDesigner #courtyardindoor #Poojaroom #opentonature #greencaplandscape #greenspace #naturefriendlydesign #residentialprojectmanagement #Architect #architecturedesigns #Contractor #greenhomeproperties #greenhomebuilders #StaircaseDecors #OpenKitchnen #DiningChairs #RectangularDiningTable #OpenArea
#Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #HouseDesigns #ContemporaryHouse #contemporary #ContemporaryDesigns #HouseConstruction #Contractor #constructioncompany #constraction #HomeDecor #homeinterior #greenhome
₹125 per sqft
Labour Only
GREEN BUILDING A green home is a type of house designed to be environmentally sustainable. Green home focus on the efficient use of “ energy, water and building materials “. A green home may use sustainably sourced, environmentally friendly and recycled building materials. It may include sustainable energy sources such as solar or geothermal, and be sited to take maximum advantage of natural features such as sunlight and take cover to improve energy efficiency. A green building is a building that in its design, construction or operation reduces or eliminate negative impacts and can create positive impacts on or climate and natural environment. Green building preserve precious natural resources and improve our quality of life. #Architect #architact #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #architecturekerala #kerala_architecture #ContemporaryHouse #ContemporaryDesigns #contemporary #contemporaryhomes #ContemporaryStyle #kerala_contemporaryarchitecture
₹380 per sqft
Labour Only
TROPICAL MODERNISM #HouseRenovation #HouseDesigns #homeimprovement #houseremodeling #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #keralatraditional #civilcontractors #civilconstruction #HouseDesigns #HomeDecor #greenhouse #greenhome #greenhomeproperties #greenhomebuilders #tropicalmodernism
₹125 per sqft
Labour Only
Ongoing Construction Work #new_home #HouseConstruction #constructionsite #Contractor #maintanance #HouseDesigns #CivilEngineer #civilconstruction #civilcontractors #constructioncompany
₹1,850 per sqft
Labour + Material
#residentialapartment #apartmentdesign #ketalahomedesigner #architecturedesigns #keralaarchitectures #CivilEngineer #civilconstruction #CivilContractor
Design And Build Your Dream With Turnkey Constructions. ✅Quality workmanship. ✅Professional Supervision. ✅Timely completion. ✅Detailed Drawings. ✅Daily Work Report. ✅All Approvals from Concerned Departments #HouseConstruction #constructioncompany #ConstructionCompaniesInKerala #constuction #home
ceramic tile roofing #ceramicrooftile #cermic #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #arctechture #CivilEngineer #civilconstruction #CivilContractor #Palakkad #Ernakulam #Thrissur
₹50 per sqft
Labour Only
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