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Deepthik Divakaran
Architect | Kozhikode, Kerala
Bedroom Interior finished with 710 grade Plywood and walnut veneer
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*modular kitchen * 710 grade plywood with laminet cabinet glossi finished
₹2,000 per sqft
Labour Only
wall shelf design with crockery -is 710 grade ply with Lamination and veneer finish- Factory finished works
3door Wardrobe with dressing unit trojan champion marine plywood 710 grade 15 years warranty
Marine Plywood 710 Grade 1 mm Glossy Mica laminate finish #KitchenIdeas #InteriorDesigner #kitchen #ModularKitchen #modular #LargeKitchen
only ₹110000. hurry book .all Kerala home service available .710 grade Marin play with chimminy hobe
Labour + Material
Mr Sreeji Vadakara modular kitchen BWP 710 grade plywood with century brand lamination
Marine plywood (BWP 710 Grade) with teak vineer and White PU finish
ഭംഗിയുള്ള കിച്ചൻ 710 grade മറൈൻ plywood with laminate ഫിനിഷിൽ 25 വർഷത്തെ ഗ്യരാറ്റിയിൽ വേറും sqft 1500 രൂപക്ക് നീർമ്മിക്കുന്നു.7306774005 # home interior #InteriorDesigner #KitchenCabinet #KitchenRenovation #KitchenIdeas #ClosedKitchen
Bed room interior work... Ply wood with mica. finished work # #Bedroom #Bedroominterior
Client : zaheer Farook College Modular Kitchen with Korean Top Veneer, Acrylic, Mica with Plywood & Multiwood
Mr Sreejesh, kannur Modular kitchen and crockery shelf Material:- BWP 710 grade plywood with Centurey brand lamintion and high grade pvc foam board with spray paint finish
Modular kitchen BWP 710 Grade marine plywood with lamination
പ്രിയപ്പെട്ടവരേ, അടുത്തയിടെ പൂർത്തിയാക്കിയ ഒരു പ്രോജെക്ടണ് ഇവടെ കാണിക്കുന്നത്. Specifications: 1)Base Materials:710 grade plywood. 2) Finish: complete factory made production(Except for paneling work) ( Crystal Acrylic finish) edge band Rehau(2mm) 3) Hardware: Hettich 4) Hinges: Hettich(germen made) Clip on 5) Gola&G profile handle(Hettich) 6) Handle : Ebco #KitchenIdeas #LargeKitchen #ModularKitchen #InteriorDesigner #KitchenInterior #HomeDecor #HouseDesigns #LShapeKitchen #WoodenKitchen #KitchenCabinet #KitchenRenovation #KitchenCeilingDesign #KitchenTiles #homedesigne #Homedecore #new_home #homeinterior
gypsum ceiling with plywood and veneer design #InteriorDesigner #kitchencupboard
modular kitchen made by using 710 grade BWP Ply with mica laminate finish #KitchenIdeas #ModularKitchen #mica #profilehandles #KitchenCabinet #KitchenInterior
modular kitchen with 710 grade marine with merino laminate, wardrobe also same combination recently finished, ph 9744197349
*modular kitchen (factory finish)* marine plywood 710 grade with mica laminate
₹1,800 per sqft
Labour + Material
Marine Plywood 710 Grade #InteriorDesigner #KitchenInterior #TexturePainting #WallPutty #ebcofindia #KitchenIdeas #LargeKitchen #LShapeKitchen #KitchenCabinet #Interior_Work
₹1,850 per sqft
Labour Only
metal front door finished with wood #FrontDoor #Veneer #officeinteriors #DoorDesigns
pooja room plywood and veneer finishing
₹2,500 per sqft
Labour + Material
Deepthik Divakaran
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