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Shrishti Homes and Interiors
Architect | Ernakulam, Kerala
Labour + Material
മികച്ച വീടിനായി Shrishti homes നൊപ്പം 3 bedroom Design Client Name-Mrs.Sandra Kurian area-1500 SQ FT COST-30 LAKH whatsapp- Contact us-9778041292 All kerala Service available #HouseDesigns #HomeDecor #ContemporaryHouse #MixedRoofHouse #30LakhHouse #homesweethome #ElevationHome #superfastconstruction #HouseConstruction #Contractor #homeowners #houseplan&elevation #3d #InteriorDesigner #KitchenInterior #architecturedesigns #architecturekerala |Sitout |LIVING| Dining|Kitchen| 3 Bed room+attached | Kitchen|Staire Area|Balcony
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one of our colonial model Project. contact us-9778041292 whatsapp- #budgethomes #KeralaStyleHouse #keralahomez #KitchenIdeas #InteriorDesigner #colonial #LUXURY_INTERIOR
₹2,100 per sqft
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New Villa 🏕️ 2133 വിസ്തീർണ്ണം വരുന്ന ഈ വീട്ടിൽ 4 Bath Attached Bedroom, Sitout, Living hall, Kitchen, Store എന്നിവയാണ് ഉള്ളത്. 2133 sqft 4BHK Location;- Trivandrum More details contact; 8086270369 #keralahome #kerala #interiordesign #architecture #homeelevation #online3d #keralahouse #keralahomeplaners #keralaarchidesign#budgethome #3dhomeelevation #keralaarchitecture #khd #keralahomes #keralainteriordesign #keralahomedesign #keralahomedesigns #keralahousedesign #keralahouses #architect #home #3ddesign #homedesignideas #dreamhome #keralaveedu #exteriordesigns #architectural #contemporaryhomedesign #residence #keralahouse#architects
₹2,300 per sqft
Labour Only
3d and plan contact : 8075371818
Traditional House at Trivandrum #TraditionalHouse #KeralaStyleHouse #homedesignkerala
Labour + Material
4 BHK Home East Facing Client name-Mr.Sreenivasan STYLE-Contemporary Area-2600 sq ft Cost-52 lakhs Place-Thiruvankulam,Chottanikkara Contact-9778041292 Whatsapp- #homedesigne #homeplan #homeplans #homeinterior #Architectural&Interior #architectdesign #3d #homedesigne #homedecoration #semi_contemporary_home_design #InteriorDesigner #KitchenIdeas #OpenArea #GlassBalconyRailing
₹2,000 per sqft
Labour Only
for sale Near Kalamassery
complete roofing work TEAM ARUNIMA ENGINNEERING KOTTAYAM 6282776137 #MetalSheetRoofing
₹150 per sqft
Labour + Material
#modernhome #contemporary
Gypsum Plasteing finished site at Muvattupuzha
#KeralaStyleHouse #keralacontemporaryarchitecture #home3ddesigns #keralahomestyle #keralahomedesignz
Labour Only
3d renovation #3d #ElevationDesign #ElevationHome
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"Embrace timeless elegance in every detail.Unveiling our upcoming residential renovation project – where sophistication meets home" . . Contact us for any queries. . . #design #mixedroofing #construction #yugen_concepts #thrissur #kerala
4 Bedroom Design Client Name-Mr.Anson Place-Koratty ,Thrissur Area-3100 sq ft Cost-68.2 lakhs Contact-9778041292 whatsapp- #homedecoration #homedesignkerala #homedesignsomedesigns #ElevationHome #3d #ContemporaryHouse #HouseConstruction #turnkeyhomes #60LakhHouse #InteriorDesigner #Architectural&Interior #Architectural&Interior #Architect
make your dreams home with MN Construction cherpulassery contact+91 9961892345 #exterior
*3D ELEVATION * Delivery within 5 working days
₹2 per sqft
Labour Only
3d elevation design cheyyan whatsapp 8281063960 #3D_ELEVATION #3Darchitecture #3delevations #3delevation🏠 #3dhouse #home3ddesigns #3ddesigning #HouseDesigns #KeralaStyleHouse
3 family Home at Kutyadi #NAFEESATHULMIZRIYA #MINHAJBUILDERS For a large family of 3 families together
Shrishti Homes and Interiors
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