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artist Mohanji herbal Mud house
Architect | Ernakulam, Kerala
#gate bambo
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#vox celing [25/04, 7:06 pm] Lïjin: *INFRATOP* *SOFFIT* *CEILING* SOFFIT PANEL and finishing TRIMS *Material type* Poly Vinyl *SIZE* Panel - 1ft * 9 ft J trim - 10 rft T trim - 10 rft *Colours* *VOX* SOFFIT CEILING SYSTEM is available to you in *5* different Shades...🤩 *2* Wooden finishes and *3* Uni colours wooden shades 👇 1. WALNUT {darkershade} 2. GOLDEN OAK {lightershade} uni colours👇 3. GRAPHITE GREY 4. WHITE 5. CHOCOLATE BROWN [25/04, 7:06 pm] Lïjin: *KEY FEATURES* ▫️ Natural wood like reflection ▫️Quick and Easy Installation ▫️Zero % Maintenance ▫️Free from biological corrosion ▫️Resistance to changing whether conditions ▫️CLICK LOCK SYSTEM ▫️10 YEARS WARRANTY Including colour and finish [25/04, 7:06 pm] Lïjin: *KEY FEATURES* ▫️ Natural wood like reflection ▫️Quick and Easy Installation
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₹125 per sqft
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artist Mohanji herbal Mud house
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