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Ar Arathy Bhaskar
Architect | Thrissur, Kerala
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#keralaarchitecture #dreamhouse #TraditionalHouse #SlopingRoofHouse
Location - Kolhapur, Maharashtra Built Up Areea - 1200 sq ft Service provided- Architectural drawings, Structural design, Planning and Supervision
Plastering on progress Client : Azeez cherickudy Sqft : 2739 Sq.rate : 1850 Palce : Manjapetty,Ernakulam For more enquiries contact Dream stone builder's 9061316090,9048111221
മനോഹരമായ ഒരു 2 Bhk വീടിൻ്റെ front elevation കാണാം..🥰 Area:800sqft 2Bhk location:kanjikode Dome Structures ph:73569 92202 :75608 72387 Contact for your dream home #new_home #CivilEngineer #slopedroof #colonialhouse #2BHKHouse #SingleFloorHouse #architecturekerala #ElevationHome #3design
NEW WORK 🏡❤️🩹 #besthome #best_architect
₹1,500 per sqft
Labour + Material
Hi I am sunilkumar from Crizzle glass art. Crizzle IV/190, Industrial Estate, Peringandur, Athani, Thrissur - 680651, Kerala 9446444212 / 0487-2371973 / 8281172973. Crizzle Designers are one of the *leading glass Industry based on BEND GLASS / CURVED GLASS RAILING / TRADITIONAL STAINED GLASS DOME / STAINED GLASS WINDOWS FOR CHURCHES & HOMES / TOUGHENED GLASS SHOWER PARTITION / PERGOLA* basically located in Thrissur, Kerala.We are taking care of start to end services of your dream projects like your home, office, etc... The main target we are achieving from every project is customer satisfaction. We have gained the same by providing outstanding support for our reputed customers in each and every stage of their project. Our executives and supervisors are well ready for providing onsite or offsite support at any point of time. Please save my number 9446444212 in your contact list. Expecting your favourable support.
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DDS Chalakudy Prayer Unit
ongoing 1150 sqft residence @ poribazar, kodungallur
*home designing electrical * electrical and plumbing works
₹50 per sqft
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Proposed Islamic Study Center & Masjid at muvattupuzha #skyarcarchitects #masjidsedesign #islamicarchitecture #modernarchitecture
Ar Arathy Bhaskar
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