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Enhaut Architects Contractors
Architect | Kozhikode, Kerala
Area:2800 sqft 4BHK 2 storey house Client name:Gopesh Kumar Location:Kunnamangalam Design and execution:En Haut Architects Branding partner:Kolo App #HouseDesigns #homeinterior #homework #budjethome #InteriorDesigner #KeralaStyleHouse #keralaarchitectures
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Built in area : 2900 sqft Renovation 4 BHK 2 storey House Client Name: Ashraf Location: Poonoor Calicut Design and Execution : En Haut Architects Branding Partner:Kolo App #KeralaStyleHouse #InteriorDesigner #Architectural&Interior #homedesigne #renovatehome #kerala_architecture #modernhouses
AREA - 2800 sqft TOTAL COST - 56 lakh * FOR MORE DETAILS : 854 77 22 101 or 8547373101 . .#Architect #budgethomes #InteriorDesigner #3d #3DPlans #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #architact #architectureldesigns #architectsinkerala #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #keralahomeplans #ElevationHome #budget #lowbudgethousekerala #lowcost #lowcosthomes #1000SqftHouse #budgetfriendly #SlopingRoofHouse #trussworkdesign #peacefullarea #lowcostarchitecture #lowbudgethouse #lowcostconstruction #below1500sq #below_10lakh #belowbudget #best_architect #architectureldesigns #InteriorDesigner #different #differnthome #keralaattraction #all_kerala #BedroomDesigns #frieden #friedenarchitect
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Colonial home design 🏡 single storey house 🏡 . . . . . . . . #home #keralahouse #residence #residencedesign #koloapp #residence #architecture #tropicalarchitecture #nalukettu #viewpointdezigns #house #keralagram #reelitfeelit #keralagodsowncountry #homedecor #homedesign #keralahomedesignz #keralavibes #instagood #homedecoration #homedesignideas #keralahomes #homedecor #homes# #keralahomedesigns #keralahouses #calicut #architect #home #kozhikode #kozhikottukar #homedesignideas #keralahouse #washingstone #exteriordesigns #keralaveedu #naturalstonetiles #claddingstone #fencings #naturalstones #mrunalthakur #naturalstoneslabs #naturalstonedesign #naturalstonesteps #naturalstone #malayalam#tovinothomas #thallumaala #dq #sitharamam #Instagram #bhfyp @keralahome_interiorexterior @kerala.architecture @keralahomeplanners #colonial #colonialvilladesign
Renovation Area : 2300 sqft 4 BHK Client name : Rijas Location: Elettil Design and execution : En Haut Architects #KeralaStyleHouse #keralaarchitectures #HouseRenovation #InteriorDesigner #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior
Dm to prepare 3d elevation of your dream home at low cost Wh: 8075478160 #3delevation #homedecor #homesweethome #nature #contemporary #realstic #realsticdrawing #rendering #KeralaStyleHouse
₹1 per sqft
Labour Only
Area : 2900 sqft 4 BHK 2 Storey house Client : Aatu Location : Elettil Design and Execution : En Haut Architects Branding partner : Kolo aap #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #keralatraditionalmural #HouseDesigns #InteriorDesigner #instahome #architecturedesigns
2800/4 bhk/Contemporary style /double storey/Palakkad Project Name: hamsa haji bhk,Contemporary style house Storey: double Total Area: 2800 Bed Room: 5 bhk Elevation Style: Contemporary Location: Palakkad Completed Year: Cost: 56lakh
2800/4 bhk/Contemporary style /double storey/Palakkad Project Name: shifana Contemporary style house Storey: double Total Area: 1700 Bed Room: 4 bhk Elevation Style: Contemporary Location: Palakkad Completed Year: Cost: 32 lakh
Client Name : NIMA Location : Mongam, Malappuram Area : 2792 Sqft 4BHK STAGE - Foundation 🏡🏡🏡 നിങ്ങളുടെ ഇഷ്ട്ട ഭവനം ഞങ്ങൾ യാഥാർത്ഥ്യമാക്കുന്നു, കുറഞ്ഞ ചിലവിൽ കൂടുതൽ ഗുണമേന്മയോടെ.. ›സൗജന്യ Plan & 3D Model നിങ്ങളുടെ ഇഷ്ട്ടാനുസരണം. ›എല്ലാവിധ ഗൃഹ നിർമ്മാണ പ്രവർത്തനങ്ങളും ഒരു കുടക്കീഴിൽ. ›സമയബന്ധിതമായി തീരുന്ന ഗുണമേന്മ ഉറപ്പ് തരുന്ന പ്രവർത്തന പാരമ്പര്യം. ›10 ഘട്ടങ്ങളായി മുഴുവൻ തുക അടക്കാൻ അവസരം. കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്ക് ബന്ധപെടുക Call : +91 9778149330 WhatsApp. #veedu
Built-in Area: 2677 SQFT 4 BHK Client Name: Navas Location: Nadakkavu, Calicut Ground Floor: 1437 Sq Ft First Floor: 1240 Sq Ft Design and Execution: Corbel Architecture Branding partner: Kolo App #FloorPlans #4BHKPlans #2dDesign #homeplans #FloorPlans
Built-in Area: 1935 Sq Ft 3 BHK 2 Storey House Client Name: Adarsh Location: Odumbra, Calicut Ground Floor: 977 Sq Ft First Floor: 958 Sq Ft Design and Execution: Corbel Architecture Branding partner: Kolo App #FloorPlans #3BHKHouse #2dDesign #2floors
3D Elevation 1600 Sqft 4BHK Double storey #doublestorey #4bhk #below2000sqft #ContemporaryHouse #3Ddesign #homedesign
#completed_house_construction #exteriors #ElevationHome #WallPainting #cladding #aechitecture #engineering #HouseDesigns
single storey house 🏡 . . . . . . . . #home #keralahouse #residence #residencedesign #koloapp #residence #architecture #tropicalarchitecture #nalukettu #viewpointdezigns #house #keralagram #reelitfeelit #keralagodsowncountry #homedecor #homedesign #keralahomedesignz #keralavibes #instagood #homedecoration #homedesignideas #keralahomes #homedecor #homes# #keralahomedesigns #keralahouses #calicut #architect #home #kozhikode #kozhikottukar #homedesignideas #keralahouse #washingstone #exteriordesigns #keralaveedu #naturalstonetiles #claddingstone #fencings #naturalstones #mrunalthakur #naturalstoneslabs #naturalstonedesign #naturalstonesteps #naturalstone #malayalam#tovinothomas #thallumaala #dq #sitharamam #Instagram #bhfyp @keralahome_interiorexterior @kerala.architecture @keralahomeplanners
Dm to prepare 3d elevation of your dream home at low cost Wh: 8075478160 #3delevation #homedecor #homesweethome #nature #contemporary #realstic #realsticdrawing #rendering #KeralaStyleHouse
₹1 per sqft
Labour Only
Built-in Area: 2573 Sq Ft 4 BHK 2 Storey House Client Name: Manoj Location: paropady, Calicut Ground Floor: 1537 Sq Ft First Floor: 1036 Sq Ft Design and Execution: Corbel Architecture Branding partner: Kolo App #FloorPlans #4BHKPlans #2dDesign #2floors
1935 sqft/3bhk/modern economical budget home double storey/Kozhikode Total Area: 2623 Bed Room: 4 bhk Elevation Style: contemporary Location: odumbra,Kozhikode Completed Year: 2023 Cost: 43 lakhs Plot Size:5.36 cents #corbel_constructions #corbelarchitecture #homedesigns #turnkey #turnkeycontractor #turnkeyconstruction #fullconstruction #planning #budgethomes
Labour + Material
മനോഹരമായി 2100 Sqft ൽ ഒരുക്കിയ ഒരു full-contemporary house with 4Bhk #Architect #ContemporaryHouse #4BHKPlans #Palakkad #CivilEngineer #home3ddesigns #boxtypeelevation
client : Majid Area : 2800 sqft for enquiries contact : 9809211320 #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #keralaplanners #keralaarchitectures #keralaart #arch #keralahomesdesign #koloaap #dreamhouse #keralahomesdesigns #keralahomestyles #keralahomeplaners #keralahomeplanners #keralahomeinterior #architecturedesigns #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&nterior
Enhaut Architects Contractors
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