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Sajil p
3D & CAD | Kozhikode, Kerala
₹10 per sqft
Labour Only
1500sqft residential project #3BHKHouse #residence #OpenKitchnen #FloorPlans
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3000sqft residential project #floorplan #frontelevation #HouseDesigns
₹10 per sqft
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₹2 per sqft
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Plan of proposed residence for Mr.Darvish and Mrs.Shamna. #residenceproject #modernplan #FloorPlans #HouseDesigns #homeplan
₹2 per sqft
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#FloorPlans #3centPlot
Floor Plan 4BHK Residence @Cherukulamba, Malappuram , , , , , #FloorPlans #groundfloor #4BHKPlans #HomeDecor
1300sqft residential project #floorplan #Siteplan #HouseDesigns
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Completed 3cent residential project 1610sqft sitout living cum dinning area 3bedroom with attached bathroom car porch kitchen balcony upper living office space #3centPlot #3centplan #residence
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#keralahomedesignz #FloorPlans #homesweethome #archanadevelopers #newhome #floorplan
₹1.5 per sqft
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OUR NEW WORK💞 WE MAKE YOUR DREAM TO REALITY #FloorPlans #ElevationHome #ElevationDesign #Palakkad #Thrissur #Malappuram #CivilEngineer #civilconstruction #civilcontractors #
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1250sqft residential project #OpenKitchen #residance #SmallHouse
₹10 per sqft
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Residence at Sulthan bathery, Wayanad 1500 sq ft. #FloorPlans #SmallHomePlans #2d_plans #FloorPlansrendering #planandelevations #floorplanning #floorplan
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#2DPlans #flooorplan #2BHKHouse #3BHKHouse #lowbudgethousekerala #lowcosthomes
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3BHK house plan .1000sqft.
Residential Project Mr Siraj #home #HouseDesigns #sweet_home #FloorPlans #InteriorDesigner #homedecoration #SmallHomePlans #sweethome #gooalmeera #homeinspo #keralahomeplans #keralaplanners #keralatraditionalmural
#FloorPlans #HouseDesigns #Residentialprojects
#3BHKHouse #800sqfthome #allkeralaconstruction #Palakkad #small_homeplans #HouseDesigns #FloorPlans
#4BHKPlans #KeralaStyleHouse #ContemporaryHouse #bigbudject #vasthuconsulting #vasthuplan #FloorPlans #2DPlans #2dDesign #archanaarchetecturalstudio #modernhome #MasterBedroom #ModularKitchen #newsite
#KeralaStyleHouse #ketalahomedesigner #keralastyle #keralaarchitectures #keralahomedesignz #FloorPlans
3D & CAD
Sajil p
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