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Sandeep sahni
Service Provider | Faridabad, Haryana
₹100 per sqft with material pop Fallcelling
More like this
Rs 650 per sqft with material
12 per sqft with material
₹12 per sqft
Labour Only
mousquter net doors this is in teak wood 550₹ sqft with material
₹550 per sqft
Labour + Material
Wardrobe sliders.... Rate .... 1600 Sqft with material
contact pop fall celling 9717454387
400 per Sqft with material Flooring work
*Modular kitchen * labour rate 250 per sqft with material 1100 per square feet HDHMR wood 1300 per sqft
₹250 per sqft
Labour Only
kitchen 1500rs sqft with material
ALUMINIUM CLADING LUWER 850 Rs per Sqft with institutions
*modular kitchen* modular kitchen work starting price Rs 1650 per sqft and maximum price Rs 2500 per sqft. with soft close fitting,
₹1,650 per sqft
Labour Only
TV unit @ 1150/- per sqft with materials
*Pop False ceiling* with material 150 sqft cope, pata raning fit mo-9958771394
₹150 per sqft
Labour Only
Melanie polish per sqft with meterial 150 #
700 per sqft with maitaril
1000rs sqft with material start price call me
450 rs per sqft with material
1180 sqft with material tv unit
SS gates ₹1000-1500/sqft with material. #maingates #maindoor #stainlesssteelgate #stainlesssteeldoor
1350 per sqft with meterial All complete fitting 6398410492
₹1,350 per sqft
Labour Only
ALUMINIUM CLADING LUWER 800 Rs per Sqft with institutions
Service Provider
Sandeep sahni
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