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jagdish prasad
Interior Designer | Gurugram, Haryana
contact us for all kinds of blinds work on affordable prices 9457952709
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kids room renovation in process... contact us for all kind of interior projects both consultation and turnkey. #InteriorDesigner #Architectural&Interior #HomeDecor #homerenovationenovation
₹120 per sqft
Labour Only
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₹850 per sqft
Labour + Material
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₹1,350 per sqft
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call us for all kinds of wooden decoration work 82 85 38 55 54 1250₹ sqft with material normal rate otherwise rate depends on material quality and design
₹850 per sqft
Labour + Material
InteriorCHS (Complete Hospitality Solutions) We provide all kind of residential and commercial interior including Modular Kitchen,all kind of wooden work, paints, fall ceilings, wallpaper, smart AC installation with VRV system ,smart lights ,safety equipment gates and all kind of electrical services. For any requirements you may contact :- Gaurav # 9582706777 Location Delhi/ NCR ( E-mail address:-
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call us, 8285385554 for all kinds of wood work
₹850 per sqft
Labour Only
Contact for all kind of structural work .
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#cctv #delhijalboard #interico #okhla All kind of work in security number 9718200369 also available for whts app email :
Interior Designer
jagdish prasad
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