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The Single Window
Interior Designer | Gurugram, Haryana
₹2,000 per sqft
Labour + Material
A living room concept made by The Single Window for a client #thesinglewindow #LivingroomDesigns #livingroomconcept #drawingroom #furniture #LivingRoomSofa
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Designed by The Single Window. Cozy and comfortable living room area #LivingroomDesigns #LivingRoomDecoration #livingroom #sofaset #Sofas #glasswork #beigedecor #thesinlewindow
luxury drawing room design by Interior Shapes and Designs. #interior #Interior Designer #Architectural&Interior #Wooden Flooring #LivingRoomSofa #luxurysofa #woodenfinish #CelingLights #Living Room Painting
₹2,600 per sqft
Labour + Material
home interior by LADS (Lighthouse Architects Design Studio)
₹2,800 per sqft
Labour + Material
A great way to add character to your bedroom is by choosing a single accent wall. Add round mirror, wall art and arm chair with wooden frame to tone with the colour pallette. Adding table lamps to nightstands on both side of bed make your space more warm and comfortable.#interior #decor #ideas #home #interiordesign #indian #colourful #decorshopping
Living room 3d render #LivingroomDesigns #LivingRoomTable #LivingRoomSofa #moldings #WallDesigns #WallDecors #FalseCeiling #chandlier #profilelight_
₹80 per sqft
Labour Only
luxury drawing room design by Interior Shapes and Designs. #interior #Interior Designer #Architectural&Interior #Wooden Flooring #LivingRoomSofa #luxurysofa #woodenfinish #CelingLights #Living RoomPainting
₹2,600 per sqft
Labour + Material
luxury drawing room design by Interior Shapes and Designs. #interior #InteriorDesigner #Architectural&Interior #WoodenFlooring #LivingRoomSofa #luxurysofa #woodenfinish #CelingLights #LivingRoomPainting
living room interior Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #LivingroomDesigns #LivingRoomTable #LivingRoomCarpets #LivingRoomSofa #MasterBedroom #ModularKitchen #modularwardrobe #Modularfurniture #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #FlooringTiles #GraniteFloors #VinylFlooring #FlooringTiles #LivingRoomTable #CelingLights #Poojaroom #OpenKitchnen #Acrylic #Architect
₹1,200 per sqft
Labour + Material
Living room #residentialinteriordesign #InteriorDesigner #Architectural&Interior #3d #3DPlan #LivingRoomSofa #LivingroomDesigns #Architectural&Interior #modernhousedesigns #furniture #modernfurniture #HouseDesigns #CoffeeTable
Design and concept by TCA #BedroomDecor #Architect #InteriorDesigner #Contractor #3drenders #HouseDesigns
A minimalist bedroom design Just create by the command of AI Call us for interior design and consultancy . . .#interiordesign #design #interior #homedecor #architecture #home #decor #interiors #homedesign #art #interiordesigner #furniture #decoration #interiordecor #interiorstyling #luxury #designer #handmade #homesweethome #inspiration #livingroom #furnituredesign #realestate #instagood #style #kitchendesign #architect #designinspiration #interiordecorating #vintage
#interiordesigner #interiordecorating #interior_design #InteriorDesigner #interiordecoration #LandscapeGarden #LANDSCAPING #landscapingforhouses #CelingLights #VeneerCeling #LeatherSofa #TexturePainting #TeakWoodDoors #WoodenBeds #BathroomStorage #BathroomDesigns #LivingRoomTable #LivingRoomCarpets #LivingroomTexturePainting #KingsizeBedroom #LUXURY_BED #SmallKitchen #kitcheninspiration #exteriordesigns #exterior3D #extrior_design #flooring_tiles #wallpanels #wallpaperprice #wallpanel #wallcolourcombinations #vastutip #vastufloorplan #colordeccor #colorcombination #BalconyIdeas #house_exterior_designs #exteriorhousedesign #loveinterior #lovetodesign #budgetindiandesigners #SmallBudgetRenovation #KitchenIdeas #KitchenTable #kitchencabinets #kitcheninspiration #BedroomDecor #MasterBedroom #bedroominteriors #bedroomdeaignideas #bedroomfurniture #LivingroomDesigns #LivingRoomSofa #LivingRoomTVCabinet #wallpepar #LivingRoomCeilingDesign
Elegance in every detail of our stunning living room. . . . #interiordesign #Livingroomdesigns #livingroom #LivingRoomTable #Livingroomsofa #luxuryhomes
#curtains #sofadesign #LivingroomDesigns #walltexture #WallDecors #WallPainting #curtainsdesign complete living room interior design made by Glow interior
bhetar nhi bhetreen sofa or Mandi lo ✨ only 3500 / 5500 rs pr seat 💺 factory made by Mirza farnichar. adress Najafgarh metro station near by tuda mandy road.
Labour Only
living room design by 4 hands decor . . . . . . #dayandnight #render_community #3dmodeling #3d_rendering #LivingroomDesigns #couchchair #InteriorDesigner #4handsdecor #4HandsDecor #1500sqftHouse
#InteriorDesigner #BedroomDecor #BedroomIdeas #BedroomDesigns #HouseRenovation #washroomdesign #tvbackpaneling #FlooringTiles #drawingroom #drawingroom #LivingRoomSofa
#LivingroomDesigns #LivingRoomSofa #LivingRoomTVCabinet #LivingRoomDecoration #LivingRoomDecors
For waiting room / modern living room
Interior Designer
The Single Window
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