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Raju gupta
Painting Works | Delhi, Delhi
Duco paint #ducopaint
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Duco Paint with material₹200/Sqft . #ducopaint #ducowhite #duco #LivingRoomPainting #TexturePainting #Painter
₹200 per sqft
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Duco paint
₹260 per sqft
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Duco paint good quality work
₹270 per sqft
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oh supperb duco paint lovely smoothness ❤ #ducopaint for any paint polish & duco paint work contact me 75057574290
₹130 per sqft
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Golden sawn wood door Duco paint : 150₹ per sqft
₹300 per sqft
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₹20 per sqft
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walvet touch dulux and duco for Asian paint
Duco paint #ducopaint #ducowhite
₹120 per sqft
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*MDF JAALI DUCO PAINT WITH MATERIAL ₹250/Sqrf #ducopaint #paint #jaali #mdfsheet
₹250 per sqft
Labour + Material
Lasercut MDF jalli finished with duco paint for false ceiling design and a round hanging crystal chandelier By Design Ideas #designideas #lasercut #mdfjali #crystallights #chandlier #hanginglight #jhoomar #moodlight #FalseCeiling #ceilingdesign #ducowhite #newsite #Residentialprojects #WoodenCeiling #warmlight
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Ye MS Window Frame hai.. Muje Denter & Painter Chahiye Jo Car ki Dainting, Painting janta ho. Is Window ko Dainting, Painting Krna hai Auto putty aur duco paint se Daily Wages pe Banda Chahiye #paintingservices #MettalicPainting
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superb paint designs #paintdesign #TexturePainting for any paint polish and duco paint work contact me 7505757429
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duco paint
₹80 per sqft
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duco paint on moulding ₹150 per RFT (2-4inch) ₹190 per RFT (4-9inch) • Sanding- Repair- Sanding- Surfecer- sanding- duco sprey #ducopaint #moulding #ducowork #hallspace #hallwaydesign #good #mouldings
₹150 per sqft
Labour + Material
duco paint
We provide excellent quality of all kind of wooden work like modular kitchen, Entrance panelling,tv unit,vanity, wordrobe etc. And also doing paint work,glass & mirror, wooden flooring,Tiel, plumbing work in Gr Noida, Ghaziabad, Delhi....... #falseceiling #interiordesign #interior #interiors #architecture #falseceilingdesign #ceilingdesign #decor #homedecor #interiordesigner #construction #modularkitchen #design #interiordecorating #designer #realestate #bedroom #ceiling #anchorfasteners #sstactile #stainlesssteelcompositepanels #tunnelsegmentbolts #canonsundreaminfra #architect #scp #popmolding #commercialbusinessparks #cladding #canonfasteners #popceiling
₹110 per sqft
Labour + Material
Painting Works
Raju gupta
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