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YK Interior Designer
Interior Designer | Delhi, Delhi
₹450 per sqft
Labour + Material
wall paneling luvers Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #luver #wallpaneling #WallDecors #OfficeRoom #MarbleFlooring #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykhomeinterior #LivingRoomTable #HouseDesigns #BathroomStorage #SmallHouse #hospitality #hospital_floor #MasterBedroom
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Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #newinterior #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykhomeinterior #ykrenovation #ykmastinterior #ykmastinterior #ykbuildingrenovation #ykbuildingrenovation
wardrobe Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #wordrope #wardrobe #midularwordrobe #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykbuildingrenovation #ykhomeinterior #yknewconstructions
₹1,300 per sqft
Labour Only
new godrej modular kitchen Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ykmodularkitchen #yknewconstructions #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykhomeinterior #ykmastinterior #ykzoom #yksofa #ykbestmarble #ykkothi #ykbuildingrenovation #ykfarmhouse #ykwhitewash #LShapeKitchen #LargeKitchen #LivingRoomTVCabinet #modularwardrobe #MovableWardrobe #ModularKitchen #MasterBedroom #ElevationHome #LivingRoomTVCabinet
Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykbuildingrenovation #yklove #ykbestmarble #yksteelwork #ykconstrution #ykmodularkitchen
Hide gate wall paneling Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #renovated #ykinterior #wardrobe #2bhkinterior #modularkitchen #tvpannel #ykintetior #ykdoors #ykwallpanaling #louvers #louver #ykintetiorroom #ykwhitewash #hospitality
₹450 per sqft
Labour + Material
Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #MasterBedroom #LivingroomDesigns #LivingRoomTable #LivingRoomCarpets #ModularKitchen #modularwardrobe #Modularfurniture #KitchenIdeas #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykhomeinterior #ykwhitewash
₹45 per sqft
Labour + Material
wall paneling with louvers Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #marbles #renovated #ykinterior #newdesign #HouseRenovation #KitchenRenovation #BathroomRenovation #hospital #hospital_floor #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykhomeinterior #GraniteFloors #FlooringTiles #WallDecors #WallPutty #Done
₹450 per sqft
Labour + Material
Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #BuildingSupplies #commercial_building #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykhomeinterior #GraniteFloors #FlooringTiles #CelingLights #ClosedKitchen #LShapeKitchen #BathroomStorage #Architect
₹450 per sqft
Labour + Material
master bedroom interior Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #MasterBedroom #masterbedroomdesinger #masterinterior #yk #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykmodularkitchen #KitchenIdeas #ClosedKitchen #LShapeKitchen
₹1,500 per sqft
Labour + Material
Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ykintetior #yklove #ykconstrution #yksuperinterior #ykmastinterior #ykhomeinterior
study unit Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykhomeinterior #ykmodularkitchen #ykbestmarble #yksteelwork #MovableWardrobe #multiwood #ModularKitchen #LivingroomDesigns
master bedroom interior work.... Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ykmasterbedroom #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykhomeinterior #ykmastinterior #yklove #ykzoom #ykbestmarble #ykarchitect #ykkothi #yktiles #ykfarmhouse #ykwhitewash #ykbanglow #HouseConstruction #LivingRoomTVCabinet #LShapeKitchen #modularwardrobe #KitchenTiles #KitchenInterior #OpenKitchnen #KitchenRenovation #WoodenKitchen #officechair #GlassStaircase #FlooringServices #GlassHandRailStaircase #ykroyalpaint
interior work..... Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #intreior #InteriorDesigner #KitchenInterior #LivingRoomTable #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykhomeinterior #ClosedKitchen #LargeKitchen #GraniteFloors #RoseGarden
₹150 per sqft
Labour + Material
modular steel get design Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykbestmarble #new_home #MarbleFlooring #LandscapeGarden #PergolaDesigns #ModularKitchen #KitchenInterior #HouseConstruction #Sofas #automation
paneling.... Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #paneling #doorpanling #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #yklove #ykrenovation #ykhomeinterior
₹800 per sqft
Labour Only
excilant interior work Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykhomeinterior #ykbuildingrenovation #ykmastinterior #modularwardrobe #ModularKitchen #KitchenInterior #Plywood #HouseConstruction #GraniteFloors
lovers wall paneling Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #lovers #WallPainting #LivingRoomWallPaper #wallpanrling #wallpannel #HouseRenovation #KitchenRenovation #BathroomRenovation #hospitality #hospital_floor #MasterBedroom #newrenovation
₹650 per sqft
Labour + Material
master bedroom good interior.... Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykhomeinterior #yksuperinterior #yknewconstructions #ykmodularkitchen #MovableWardrobe #multiwood #WindowGlass #KitchenCeilingDesign #ModularKitchen #LivingRoomTVCabinet
renovation work Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #HouseRenovation #KitchenRenovation #BathroomRenovation #FlooringTiles #ClayRoofTiles #tiles #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykbuildingrenovation #ykhomeinterior #yksuperinterior
₹40 per sqft
Labour Only
Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #InteriorDesigner #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykintetiorroom #HouseDesigns #SmallHouse #HouseRenovation #KitchenRenovation #BathroomRenovation #BathroomRenovatio #SmallBudgetRenovation
Interior Designer
YK Interior Designer
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