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YK Interior Designer
Interior Designer | Delhi, Delhi
₹1,200 per sqft
Labour Only
TV unit +dressing Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #LivingRoomTVCabinet #TVStand #LivingRoomTable #DressingTable #dressinginterior #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykhomeinterior #ykmastinterior
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Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #HouseDesigns #50LakhHouse #InteriorDesigner #MasterBedroom #liveingroom #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykhomeinterior #ykmasterbedroom #ykmodularkitchen #LivingRoomSofa #goodvibes
₹1,500 per sqft
Labour + Material
wardrobe making...... Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #wordrobe #HouseRenovation #KitchenRenovation #BathroomRenovation #HouseDesigns #Architect #yk4bhkinterior #3bhkinterior #2bhkinterior #5BHKHouse #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykhomeinterior #InteriorDesigner #Contractor
₹1,200 per sqft
Labour + Material
office interior work Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykdoors #ykbuildingrenovation #yksuperinterior #modularwardrobe #ModularKitchen #KitchenInterior #HouseConstruction #Plywood
TV unit Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #LivingRoomTVCabinet #TVStand #LivingRoomTV #tvunits #ykbestintetior #ykinterior #ClosedKitchen #CelingLights #OfficeRoom #HouseDesigns #Acrylic
₹1,000 per sqft
Labour Only
dressing unit Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #DressingTable #dress #dressingunit #ModernBedMaking #making #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykmodularkitchen #yksuperinterior #ykbuildingrenovation #ykhomeinterior
₹1,000 per sqft
Labour Only
TV unit making Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #LivingRoomTVCabinet #TVStand #LivingRoomTV #ModularKitchen #modularwardrobe #Modularfurniture #ykbestintetior #ykinterior #ykconstrution #ykhomeinterior #ykintetiorroom #ykmodularkitchen #HouseRenovation #BathroomRenovation #KitchenRenovation #NorthFacingPlan #FlooringTiles #CeilingFan
₹1,000 per sqft
Labour + Material
construtions running work Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #Buildingconstruction #newbuildhome #newbuilding #HouseConstruction #HouseRenovation #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykhomeinterior #yknewconstructions #ykbuildingrenovation #ykconstrution #ykconstrutions #LivingroomDesigns #KitchenIdeas #KitchenRenovation #modularwardrobe #MovableWardrobe
Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #yklove #ykbuildingrenovation #ykhomeinterior #ykmastinterior #WoodenKitchen #KitchenCabinet #ModularKitchen #LShapeKitchen #OfficeRoom
TV unit Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #LivingRoomTVCabinet #TVStand #LivingRoomTV #modularTvunits #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykbuildingrenovation #ClosedKitchen #ModularKitchen #modularwardrobe #Modularfurniture #CelingLights
₹1,200 per sqft
Labour Only
fall ceiling Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #fallceiling #fallceiling #popceiling #zypsum #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #yksuperinterior #ykhomeinterior #ykbuildingrenovation #yknewconstructions #ModularKitchen #Modularfurniture #modularwardrobe
₹120 per sqft
Labour Only
Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #finalinterior #KidsRoom #MixedRoofHouse #HouseRenovation #KitchenRenovation #BathroomRenovation #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykhomeinterior #MovableWardrobe #ModularKitchen #facebookpost #instagram #twitter #tranding #vairal
₹1,200 per sqft
Labour + Material
master bedroom Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #MasterBedroom #3bhkinterior #yk4bhkinterior #2bhkinterior #DressingTable #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykhomeinterior #ykbuildingrenovation #ClosedKitchen #LargeKitchen #LShapeKitchen #CelingLights #GraniteFloors #FlooringTiles #FoldingDoors #BathroomStorage #WoodenBalcony #ClosedKitchen #HouseDesigns #Architect #MetalSheetRoofing
₹1,000 per sqft
Labour + Material
Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ykdoors #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #yksuperinterior #yklove
pop door design Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #yklove #ykbuildingrenovation #ykhomeinterior #yksofa #ykbestmarble #yknewconstructions #modularwardrobe #MovableWardrobe #KitchenRenovation #ModularKitchen #KitchenTable #WallDecors
wall TV unit Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #LivingRoomTVCabinet #TVStand #LivingRoomTV #tvcabinet #ykintetior #ykbestintetior #ykbuildingrenovation
₹1,400 per sqft
Labour Only
banglow interior Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #Goodinterior #banglow #banglows #WallDecors #LivingRoomWallPaper #FlooringTiles #BathroomTIles #KitchenTiles #tileelevation #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykhomeinterior #ykmodularkitchen #yknewconstructions #ykmastinterior #ykkothi #banglow #ClosedKitchen #CelingLights #BathroomStorage
₹150 per sqft
Labour Only
modular home front door Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #DoubleDoor #sswork #wood+ss+glass #sskitchens #ssbars #ssrailing #sskitchens #sswatertank #maingate #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykhomeinterior #ykbuildingrenovation #ClosedKitchen #KitchenIdeas #KeralaStyleHouse #50LakhHouse #LivingRoomTable #gateautomation #gatefabrication
master bedroom good interior.... Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ykintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykhomeinterior #yksuperinterior #yknewconstructions #ykmodularkitchen #MovableWardrobe #multiwood #WindowGlass #KitchenCeilingDesign #ModularKitchen #LivingRoomTVCabinet
Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #KitchenInterior #modularkitchen #LivingroomDesigns #LivingRoomTable #MasterBedroom #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #SmallHouse #FlooringTiles #GraniteFloors #woodenwork #ElevationHome
₹1,000 per sqft
Labour + Material
modular kitchen Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #ModularKitchen #modularwardrobe #Modularfurniture #ClosedKitchen #KitchenIdeas #LargeKitchen #ykbestintetior #ykintetiorroom #ykconstrution #ykrenovation #LivingroomDesigns #HouseDesigns #WoodenBalcony #NorthFacingPlan #RoseGarden #CelingLights
₹1,300 per sqft
Labour + Material
Interior Designer
YK Interior Designer
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