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Interior Shapes and Designs
Interior Designer | Delhi, Delhi
₹2,640 per sqft
Labour + Material
Lobby area with beautiful dining of our high end interior project. #LUXURY_INTERIOR #lobbydesign #diningarea
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Click of double height lobby area for one of the high end interior projects. #lobbydesign #doubleheight #LUXURY_INTERIOR
₹3,500 per sqft
Labour + Material
Final outlook of bedroom for our high-end Interior project in 500 sq yards. #interiordesign #interiors #interior #bedroom #bedroomdesign #royalbedroom #luxuryinteriors #luxurybedroom #masterbedroom #falseceilingdesign #lighting #carpet
Dining cum lobby area #3bhkinterior #floor #interior #furniturework #furnituredesigns #ceiling #CelingLights #FlooringTiles #delhidiaries #delhiinteriordesigner
₹100 per sqft
Labour Only
Beautiful Dining Room Interior - Build Craft Associates #DiningTableAndChairs #diningroomdecor
₹1,150 per sqft
Labour Only
Running Project_Living And Dining area with starry light ceiling. #starlight #LivingroomDesigns
High end interior for living and lobby area. #interiordesign #interiordesigner #interior #livingroom #livingroomdecor #highendinterior #luxuryhomes #luxurylifestyle #luxuryinterior #luxuryinteriordesign #interiorshapes #interiorshapesandesigns #lobbydesign #lobbyinterior #diningtable #stairsdesign #luxurysofa #FalseCeiling
₹2,140 per sqft
Labour + Material
Living room Design for one of our high end Interior closed projects having luxurious and comfortable sitting in a decent, sobar and everlasting colour theme for the creation of a cool and relaxed atmosphere. For effective cooling we have used 3 ton cassette ac. #interiorshapesandesigns #interiordesign #Interior Designer #interior #livingroom #livingroomdecor #livingroomdecor #highend #LUXURY_INTERIOR #decent #sobarinterior #falseceiling #luxurysofa #colortheme #cooling #airconditioning #cassetteac #interiorshapes
₹3,200 per sqft
Labour + Material
latest lobby area
High end luxurious apartment done. #LivingroomDesigns #pololiving #HouseDesigns #LUXURY_SOFA #LUXURY_INTERIOR #High_Quality #LUXURY_INTERIOR #kolopost #koloamaterials #polospaces
#Lobby Area by eca
High end interior for living and lobby area. #interiordesign #interiordesigner #interior #livingroom #livingroomdecor #highendinterior #luxuryhomes #luxurylifestyle #luxuryinterior #luxuryinteriordesign #interiorshapes #interiorshapesandesigns #lobbydesign #lobbyinterior #diningtable #stairsdesign #luxurysofa #falseceiling
₹2,140 per sqft
Labour + Material
Lobby area with wooden back wall design #interiordesign #interior #interior #interiordesigner #interiorshapes #interiorshapesandesigns #falseceiling #falseceilingdesign #storage #lighting #designing #lobby #lobbydesign
₹1,250 per sqft
Labour + Material
here's a beautiful dining area in 3ds max render by me #3d #rendering #3dmodeling #DiningChairs #High_Quality
Create this attractive and beautiful dining area with white table having metal finished leg, velvet chairs, off-white curtains and a simple rug. Use a large round mirror, a brass chandelier with globe lights and a simple floor lamp to add light to the room. Place plants in the corners of the room to decorate your space. #interior #decor #ideas #home #interiordesign #indian #colourful #decorshopping
Bedroom With sitting area.... with amazing false ceiling designed by Me.... #BedroomDecor #InteriorDesigner #lobbydesign #3dsmax
Final outlook of bedroom for our high-end Interior project in 500 sq yards. #interiordesign #interiors #interior #bedroom #bedroomdesign #royalbedroom #luxuryinteriors #luxurybedroom #masterbedroom #falseceilingdesign #lighting #carpets
lobby area with leather furniture and Italian marble. #lobby #italianmarbles #LeatherSofa
₹3,850 per sqft
Labour + Material
Lobby area #lobby #lobbydeaign #loveinterior #LUXURY_INTERIOR #architecture_lovers #lovewhereyoulive #lovely_wallpaper
lobby area
some of our project delivered. #InteriorDesigner #commercialdesign #officedesign #LUXURY_INTERIOR #3dmax #3dview #gurgaoninteriors #delhincrinterior
₹1,500 per sqft
Labour + Material
Interior Designer
Interior Shapes and Designs
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