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prashant sharma
Gardening & Landscaping | Delhi, Delhi
750 rs sqft #biowall #greenwall #VerticalGarden
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#terracegarden #LandscapeDesign #Greenwall #VerticalGarden #artificialgrass #artificialgrassinbalcony #fountain #wallfountaun
₹580 per sqft
Labour Only
₹1,000 per sqft
Labour Only
golden foliage
Contact us for installation of ARTIFICIAL VERTICAL GARDEN🌱🌱 📞 9818616727 ✉️ @greenspacedecorr . . . . #verticalgarden #greenwall #garden #interiordesign #landscape #houseplantsmakemehappy #plantsmakehappy #mosswall #green #indoorgardening #gogreen #verticalgardensolutions #greenspacedecor #balconyview #balcony #balconylife #balconydecor
₹380 per sqft
Labour + Material
One of our best selling designs is this beautiful fern hedge comprising of an assortment of shrubs such such as yucca and Boston fern. Artificial Green Walls come in so many shapes, sizes, colours and uses that it can be hard to find the right option for your space. Whether you’re looking for a decorative product for your apartment, an eye-catching display for your office reception, or a high-impact feature for a commercial project, it’s important to do your research to find an attractive, low-maintenance and affordable product you’ll love for years to come. What is an Artificial Green Wall? An artificial green wall is a vertical garden system made up of interlocking panels of fake plants. High-quality artificial green walls are lifelike, low-maintenance and long-lasting, whereas lower quality options can appear overly glossy and synthetic. 📞 9818616727 ✉️
we Deliver you Natural Vertical Gardens which are one of best in it's own kind. varous 8 vertical Garden systems at one place with hazzle free process. # Green walls #VerticalGarden #Landscape #LandscapeIdeas #HomeDecor
Contact us for installation of NATURAL VERTICAL GARDEN🌱🌱 📞 9818616727 ✉️ @greenspacedecorr . . . . #verticalgarden #greenwall #garden #interiordesign #landscape #houseplantsmakemehappy #plantsmakehappy #mosswall #green #indoorgardening #gogreen #verticalgardensolutions #greenspacedecor #balconyview #balcony #balconylife #balconydecor
#VerticalGarden #Greenwall
#VerticalGarden #verticalwallgarden #artificialgrass contact me 9871605275, 9650959520
Contact us for installation of NATURAL VERTICAL GARDEN🌱🌱 📞 9818616727 ✉️ @greenspacedecorr . . . . #verticalgarden #greenwall #garden #interiordesign #landscape #houseplantsmakemehappy #plantsmakehappy #mosswall #green #indoorgardening #gogreen #verticalgardensolutions #greenspacedecor #balconyview #balcony #balconylife #balconydecor
fruits plants guava
#VerticalGarden #greenwalls
₹750 per sqft
Labour + Material
This is pulmaria alba in High quality material pot, ( h 4'f and w 4'f ,and we provide very healthy plant, which have very less chance to die, for more details please contact us, #LandscapeGarden #Lawncare #VerticalGarden #pumariaalbaplant #premiumpots #Greenwall #plantnursery #nursery #gardendesign
#VerticalGarden #greenwalls
Artificial Green Wall at 100₹ per square foot with installation #greenwalls #VerticalGarden
Labour + Material
Natural vertical garden 🌱 to improve the air quality and it also enhances the beauty of your wall 🧱. Contact us to install vertical garden at your place. 📞9818616727 ✉️ . . . . #nature #verticalgarden #greenwalls #peace #plant #beauty #landscape #homedecoration
vertical garden designing
Gardening & Landscaping
prashant sharma
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