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sonu dhanjal
Contractor | Delhi, Delhi
South Indian Brand Cafe Udupi Ruchi in Rohini M2K executed by our team.
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retail cum cafe shop in Lucknow, design and executed by our team area 5000sqft
₹2,400 per sqft
Labour + Material
CCD Signage with Ss letter
globus store Phoenix Mall Lucknow
Labour Only
CA office in Rohini executed by our team.
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Design Yours Shop With Professional. #Retailstorefixtures #Retail #interiorworks #classic #everlasting #HouseDesigns #ContemporaryDesigns
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ACP board . ACP cladding .
₹180 per sqft
Labour Only
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Restaurant, Bar, Hotels, Banquet hall, Cafe, interior Solutions
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pooja room , temple designing work done by our team for enquiry- 9560246930(call/whatsapp) #Poojaroom #HomeDecor #InteriorDesigner #templedesing #poojaroomdesign
sonu dhanjal
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