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Deepak Kumar
Carpenter | Delhi, Delhi
study table and computer table are also available...🥰🥰 #computertable #students #studentbench #studentbench #studentchair #Call/Whatsapp
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₹1,200 per sqft
Labour + Material
#tvpanel We are the manufacturer of Rich Quality FACTORY MADE Modular Kitchen, Wardrobes, TV Panels, Bar Units, Study Tables, Sofa etc. We do all manufacturing at our own / in-house factory at Noida sector-141 and we serve in entire Delhi / NCR region. For more details please drop contact number or you can call 9650483503.
₹1,100 per sqft
Labour + Material
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Labour Only
3D Designer/Facade Design * Interior designer * Architects & Designer * Renovations of the building * Landscaping architect * Town planner * Civil Engineer * Vastu Consultant * Valuation and Estimates of all types of building & Land (Architect/Engineers are approved from Govt. Authorities in all the state of india) * Lisning (Map Sanction, Dpc, Permission from HUDA, Complition from Huda/MC in Haryana) * Architect work in all over india * Construction works All Turnkey Projects/Residential/Commercial/Architecture) Govt. APPROVED Firm (All architect or engineers Are experienced and Govt. Approved licensee Director .. ( Naseem saifi) partnership Riyaz saifi. ............... shahrukh saifi............ Mustkeem saifi........... Company : “Digital interior * Office Add. : (Delhi NCR) * Branch office : flat number A- 52* Branch office : sector 144 Gulshan Botnia (Noida) E-Mail :............
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Study Table| Brand Shine X | Easy Assembly| Quality 💯%| By K furnitures
Labour Only
computer table
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sk interior work Gurgaon
₹800 per sqft
Labour + Material
this tv panel and Almera making and design by us and ready in 8 days Almera 10×10 tv Pani 6×4 any kid of wood works contact us #KitchenCabinet #almirahdesign #LivingRoomTVCabinet #bed #Carpenter this are profession for us ❤️🔥
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moduler kitchen Tv panel made at best price furniture sofa almirah available also at best price
Sk interior work Gurgaon
₹750 per sqft
Labour + Material
Deepak Kumar
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