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Er Gaurav Mehra
Architect | Delhi, Delhi
₹1,600 per sqft
Labour Only
*Modular Kitchen * Illusion Design Studio kitchen 1600 sq.ft with material
More like this
*Aluminium modular kitchen* aluminium modern kitchen 1200rs sqft with material
₹1,200 per sqft
Labour Only
*Modular kitchen * Kicthen design rate price 1200 sqft with labor with material
₹1,200 per sqft
Labour Only
SS Modular kitchen with Anti-Finger coating. #ModularKitchen #modularwardrobe #sskitchens #modularwardrobe #modularkitchenindelhi #KitchenRenovation #KitchenCabinet #LShapeKitchen #KitchenIdeas wodden kitchen starting with Rs. 1250 - 2500 Per sq ft. with material SS kitchen RS. 2000-3500 Per sq ft. with material. price are negotiable after site measurement /Design approval only.
modular kitchen design
Labour Only
R.D Home Con... 7042323457 2D & 3D Interior Studio This Is Modular Kitchen Starting Rate With Material₹1850 Sqft Without Material₹450 Sqft Contact For More Information Thank You.
₹1,850 per sqft
Labour + Material
moduler kitchen design 999/sqft with material
₹999 per sqft
Labour + Material
*Modular kitchen * labour rate 250 per sqft with material 1100 per square feet HDHMR wood 1300 per sqft
₹250 per sqft
Labour Only
*Modular kitchen * with material
₹1,500 per sqft
Labour Only
tv cabinet design apke bazat ka farnichar . 1000 sqft with material
₹999 per sqft
Labour + Material
*modular kitchen * modular kitchen best quality & meterial soft close fitting 10 year warranty
₹1,200 per sqft
Labour Only
Wardrobe sliders.... Rate .... 1600 Sqft with material
kitchen 1500rs sqft with material
1400rs sqft with material contact me
*Modular kitchen with material* Modular kitchen with material starting from 950/- per sq ft
₹950 per sqft
Labour Only
modular kitchen 8447272121 contact for any query
*Interior works* interior design labour rate 400sqft and with material 1600 sqft
₹400 per sqft
Labour Only
aluminum modern kitchen 1200r sqft with material #aluminium_modalur_kitchen_work #modernkitchens #modernkitchens #modlarkichan
₹1,200 per sqft
Labour + Material
*Modular Kitchen* with Labour + Material +Design -Branded fitting -Soft closest thing -3-Year warranty
₹2,200 per sqft
Labour Only
*Modular kitchen* with material
₹1,500 per sqft
Labour Only
1000rs sqft with material start price call me
Er Gaurav Mehra
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