7 Amazing Biogas Plant Ideas For Your Home

7 Amazing Biogas Plant Ideas For Your Home

Eco-friendly construction material can be easily recycled and does not affect the environment in its manufacturing, usage, or disposal. Using environmentally friendly products is advantageous in the long term. Building a green home significantly decreases carbon emissions, saves energy, and saves money, resulting in lower energy costs. One great way to achieve these is to install a biogas plant in your home. Biogas plants are a great way to recycle waste materials and generate energy. In this blog post, we’ll give you some ideas on how to install a biogas plant in your home and what type of materials you can use to fuel it. So read on and get inspired!

What is a Biogas Plant?

Biogas Plant Ideas In Home
Photo from Climate CoLab

A biogas plant is a renewable energy facility producing methane gas from organic waste. The methane can then be used to generate electricity or to power vehicles. Biogas plants are typically located near landfills, requiring a large quantity of organic waste. When organic waste decomposes, it emits methane, a significant component of natural gas. The methane is collected and used to power an engine, generating electricity.

Biogas plants can also power vehicles, such as buses and garbage trucks. In this application, the methane is used directly as fuel rather than being converted into electricity. Biogas plants offer several environmental benefits. They can help to reduce the amount of organic waste that is sent to landfills, and they can also help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

How to Design a Biogas Plant For Your Home?

Biogas Plant
Photo from Build a Biogas Plant

First, you need to determine the size of the plant. This will depend on the amount of waste you generate daily. You’ll also need to consider the type of waste you’ll be using. Biogas plants can be designed to accommodate both solid and liquid waste.

Next, you’ll need to choose a location for your plant. It’s crucial to find an area that is level and well-drained. The soil should also be rich in organic matter. Once you’ve selected a location, you can begin designing your plant.

There are a variety of ways to design a biogas plant. However, most plants follow a similar basic design. The first step is to build a digester. This is where bacteria will break down the organic waste. Once the digester is complete, you’ll need to add a gas holder. This tank will store the methane gas that is produced by the digester. Finally, you’ll need to connect the gas holder to a burner. This will allow you to use the methane gas for cooking or heating purposes.

If you follow these steps, you can easily design a biogas plant for your home. With some planning, you can have a renewable energy source that will help reduce your carbon footprint.

7 Ideas For Biogas Plant For Your Home

Possibly one of the most under-appreciated sources of energy is biogas. This gas can be produced through the natural breakdown of organic waste matter in anaerobic digestion. While there are many ways to produce biogas, it can be a great way to generate energy for your home. This blog post will explore seven ideas for using a biogas plant in your home.

  1. Fixed Dome Biogas Plants
  2. Floating Drum Biogas Plants
  3. Low-cost Polyethylene Tube Digester
  4. Balloon Biogas Plants
  5. Horizontal Biogas Plants
  6. Earth-pit Biogas Plants
  7. Ferro-cement Biogas Plants

1. Fixed Dome Biogas Plants

Fixed-Dome Plant
Photo from IndiaMART

A fixed-dome plant comprises a digester and a permanent, non-movable gas container that sits atop the digestion. The slurry is moved into the compensating tank when gas production begins. Gas pressure rises in proportion to the amount of gas stored and the height difference between the slurry levels in the digester and the compensating tank. A fixed-dome biogas plant is relatively inexpensive. It is easy since there are no moving components. There are no rusting steel pieces, resulting in long plant life.

The plant is built underground, which protects it from physical harm and saves space. While the underground digester is insulated from low temperatures at night and during cold seasons, it takes longer for sunlight and warm seasons to heat the digester. The bacteriological processes are not favourably influenced by day/night temperature changes in the digester.

2. Floating Drum Biogas Plants

Floating Drum Biogas Plant
Photo from Connect2India

Jashu Bhai J Patel of India constructed the first floating drum biogas plant, widely known as the Gobar gas plant, in 1956. An underground dome-shaped digester and a moving gas-holder comprise floating-drum plants. The gas-holder floats directly on the fermentation slurry or its water jacket. The gas is collected in a gas drum, which rises or falls according to the amount of gas stored.

A guiding structure prevents the gas drum from tilting. When biogas is created, the drum rises; when used, it falls. The drum cannot become stuck if it floats in a water jacket, even if the substrate has a high solid content. After the advent of low-cost Fixed-dome Chinese models, floating drum plants became obsolete due to expensive investment, maintenance costs, and other design flaws.

3. Low-Cost Polyethylene Tube Digester

Polyethylene Tube Digester
Photo from ResearchGate

Polyethylene Tube Digesters are a form of biodigester rapidly gaining traction in a variety of applications across the world. Polyethene tube digesters are helpful for early test conversions in small-scale applications because of their simple construction, simply understanding mechanics, widely accessible affordable material, and variable structure. An elevated input trough, a long, flexible fermenting reservoir with a gas vent tube, and a slurry output are typical features of a polyethylene tube digester.

The tubular polyethene film is bent at either end around a 6-inch PVC drainpipe and wrapped with a recycled tire-tube rubber strap in Bolivia’s Low-Cost Polyethylene Tube Digester variant. This technology produces a hermetically isolated tank.

One of the 6″ PVC drain pipes acts as the slurry’s entrance and the other as its output. Finally, a hydraulic level is established in the tube digester such that the same amount of additional prime matter as fertiliser exits through the outlet.

4. Balloon Biogas Plants

A Balloon Plant
Photo from IndiaMART

A balloon plant comprises a heat-sealed plastic or rubber bag, a digester, and a gas-holder. The gas is kept in the balloon’s top section. The entrance and outflow are directly linked to the balloon’s skin. Weights can be placed on the balloon to boost gas pressure. The skin can be damaged if the gas pressure surpasses the limit that the balloon can sustain. As a result, safety valves are necessary.

A gas pump is necessary if higher gas pressures are required. Given the weather and UV resistance requirement, specifically stabilised, reinforced plastic or synthetic caoutchouc is preferred. RMP, Trevira, and butyl are other materials that have been utilised effectively. Typically, the useful lifespan does not exceed 2-5 years.

5. Horizontal Biogas Plants

Horizontal Biogas Plant
Photo from ScienceDirect

Biogas output in family-sized vertical biogas plants grew in the summer and fell in the winter, indicating that they are unsuited for cold climates. The water/oil jacket method reduced heat losses in the community and horizontal biogas plants. Compared to traditional Indian facilities, these advances minimised corrosion, eliminated unnecessary diluting of slurry by rainwater, made the facility more hygienic, and reduced odour. A horizontal biogas plant was rather costly, but it was ideal for places with a high water table.

Horizontal biogas plants have a slurry container, a ‘scrubber’ to lower the biogas’ carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide content, and a gas storage container. Horizontal biogas digester facilities are typically used when a shallow installation for groundwater or rock is required. They are constructed of masonry or concrete.

6. Earth-Pit Biogas Plants

Earth-Pit Biogas Plant
Photo from IndiaMART

This is the innovative toilet system that functions as a biogas plant that was developed and built using EarthBag Shelter. It is made up of the Digester, Slurry Outlet, and Inlet. In the inflow tank, any fermentable organic matter is combined with water and supplied through the inlet line. Bacteria in the digester degrade it in anaerobic conditions.

Masonry digesters are not required on stable soil. A thin cement coating should be applied to the pit to prevent seepage. The pit’s edge is strengthened with a masonry ring anchoring the gas-holder. You can use metal or plastic sheets to make the gas holder. Plastic sheeting must be fastened to a quadratic timber frame that reaches down into the slurry and is anchored to counteract buoyancy. Weights are placed on the gas holder to create the required gas pressure. The slurry outflow is an overflow point in the outer wall.

7. Ferro-Cement Biogas Plants

Ferro-Cement Biogas Plant
Photo from Kerala Business Directory

The use of Ferro-cement as the structural component for the gas holder is recommended by India’s Structural Engineering Research Centre, Roorkee, to lower the cost and maintenance needs of family-size biogas plants used in rural regions. Ferro-cement, a composite material composed of layers of fine wire mesh saturated with rich cement mortar, has a strong resistance to cracking and a low permeability critical to the proper operation of a gas container.

Ferro-cement biogas plants can be used as a self-supporting shell or an earth-pit lining. Typically, the jar is cylindrical. Prefabricated plants for very tiny areas are possible. The Ferro-cement gas-holder, like a fixed-dome plant, needs particular sealing procedures.

Choose appropriate models of family-type biogas plants based on beneficiary preferences and technical requirements. Such as location, the distance between the kitchen and the cattle shed, water availability, feedstock such as dung, kitchen, loose and leafy biomass, sanitary, and other biomass wastes. There are approved versions for such plants with capacities ranging from 1 to 10 m3 for fixed-dome and floating-dome plants.


If you want to be more environmentally friendly and reduce your energy bills, consider installing a biogas plant in your home. Biogas plants are easy to install and can significantly save energy costs. In addition, biogas plants help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. Have you considered installing a biogas plant in your home?

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make biogas at home?

To make biogas at home, first combine water with organic material, such as animal dung or vegetable material, then add a starter culture and seal it all up in an airtight container.

How can I make mini biogas at home?

You can make mini biogas plant at home by following these tips:

Prepare the containers.
Add a feed tube to the digester.
Add the drain valve and overflow tube to the digester.
Add the biogas outlet.
Build the biogas collector.
Add the biogas inlet to the collector.

Can biogas power a house?

Biogas can be directly turned into energy using a fuel cell. However, this method needs highly pure gas and costly fuel cells.

How much does it cost to build a biogas plant?

The price might range between Rs 10,000 and Rs 30,000 depending on the plant’s capacity and materials.

How much does it cost to set up a biogas plant?

It can cost around Rs. 6000 to Rs. 10,000 to set up a biogas plant.This is the total cost for a biogas plant, including all essential installations but not including land.

Can biogas be a profitable business?

Biogas / RNG generation is clearly a rewarding investment for anyone. If you can take action to make your idea lucrative, governments must also work to improve regulation and drive growth in the area.

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